Antidepressants for psoriasis

Posted Mon 12 Nov 2018 01.00 by theislands

Hi, Im 26 and three weeks ago my face and scalp started to become super itchy and I noticed small spots all over my body. My forehead and face is now completely covered and I have large patches all over my body. Today I was diagnosed with psoriasis and they told me it was probably linked to stress (pressure at home/work). I'm already a natural worrier and my anxiety levels have been through the roof. The Dr discussed putting me on anti-depressants to deal with it. Does anyone have any experience with them? I've been reading up on them and they seem to make you feel worse/numb? However, the logic is that by managing the stress, it will make the psoriasis subside?

Posted Mon 12 Nov 2018 02.31 by Hycarumba

I've just joined this forum am at my wits end, a born worrier myself, hoping to find information on how to deal with this psoriosis and related issues without chemical anti depressents, I understand the logic but there must be a way to cope, good luck

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