My psoriasis is almost gone after 3 weeks

Posted Mon 12 Nov 2018 08.45 by delriley

Hi everyone I have been on a non dairy very low sugar diet for three weeks l ate blueberries every day.l can honestly say my psoriasis is almost gone. My scalp has legs are almost clear.My back and bottom were the worst but they are !uch improved...but hey it's only been three weeks. It's not been easy but we'll worth the effort.lve more or less lived on chicken and vegetables...had no fruit for the first two weeks but now eat one piece a day and if no reaction will introduce more.Oh forgot to mention you must cut out foods from the nightshade family (tomatoes white potatoes and peppers) try filling up on sweet potatoes l didn't like them at first but now used to them.Oh and cut out all processed food although l did eat tinned tuna with vegetarian mayo. Hope this it's certainly working for me I'm still going to keep at it. Good luck to you all !!

Posted Mon 12 Nov 2018 09.15 by Stevie
Alright there! I'm Steve I'm 36 and have suffered with psoriasis since I was 18.

I like the sound of this i think I'm gonna try it.... What have you been drinking?

Posted Mon 12 Nov 2018 09.52 by delriley

Hi Stevie Been drinking herbal teas coconut and almond milk...takes some getting used to.Hav allowed myself two slices of wholemeal bread a day and also the odd egg not to many.Dont forget if you are using shop bought sauces they can be quite high in sugar and are mostly tomato based(check sugar content on everything) sugar seems to be the poison..l did have some side affects for first two weeks bad headaches and had a dose of the shakes for a couple of days but these seem to have eased of now. Good luck

Posted Mon 12 Nov 2018 09.55 by Stevie
Alright there! I'm Steve I'm 36 and have suffered with psoriasis since I was 18.

Ahh ok brilliant I am starting this today I'm also on day 4 of acitretin so I'll update on my progress... Thanks very much

Posted Mon 12 Nov 2018 09.56 by delriley

Your welcome

Posted Mon 12 Nov 2018 13.58 by pdr321
A long sufferer of plaque psoriasis who found an effective treatment after 27 years (blueberries). I have now been clear more than 5 years.

Hi delriley, First of all it's great to hear about your success, you've not taken the easy route to achieve this, essentially cutting much from your diet. Your plan to start adding back will eventually tell you what does and does not work. However my experience is different to yours. I just added in blueberries, and that was all it took to clear the psoriasis away, and I have now been clear for over 2 years. I do believe that your advice about the nightshade family (tomatoes white potatoes and peppers) is completely wrong. Of those adding blueberries into their diet (see another forum post), you will not find such advice. Many have benefited from the blueberries alone. I find that I can eat whatever I want within reason, however certainly too much sugar and alcohol are a problem, but not in moderation. This has been my experience, and I have been fortunate not to have had to go on a hard core diet to find an effective treatment. All the best, Phil

Posted Mon 12 Nov 2018 18.30 by delriley

Hi Phil Just to say l am a complete novice and am only trying to say what has been happening for me through my own n research l don't process to be an expert.l am on my fourth week of this diet it's not hundred percent but does seem to be l say through research have been advised not to include nightshade family.You might not agree and I'm not saying your wrong as l really like a curry which the sauce is mostly tomato based.l fully intend to try and introduce nightshades again within the next few weeks and see how l go.l understand this diet can't be kept up forever and is a process of elimination...well for me anyway..l do agree about the blueberries though luv them kind regards

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