
Posted Fri 11 Apr 2014 18.49 by sarah81 (edited Fri 11 Apr 2014 19.16 by Bin59)
My 10yr old daughter has psoriasis

Hi guys really need some advise, my 10yr old daughter suffers with really bad scalp psoriasis and guttache psoriasis we have tried lots of treatments like tgel, dovabet, capasel, double base, psoriderm and betnovate but nothing helps, we have been referred to a dermatologist but her appointment isnt till the end of June. We are both at are wits end she hates goin out because of the apperance of the scalp im willing to try anything

Posted Mon 25 Aug 2014 12.09 by Smemz (edited Fri 20 Feb 2015 16.02 by niall.mccrea)
I'm having a severe flare up of guttate and just started UVA, I've never seen anyone with it as bad as me! Need some help

Hi everyone, I'm in need of a little advice. In the past six months my P has gone insane, in the past month its started on my palms and the soles of my feet, its guttate but the patches are quite large but still not plaque. I can't actually name a part of my body that isnt affected. I'm finding it very hard to work now, the pain and the itch is making simple tasks feel like quantum physics. I've just started UVA, im only two sessions in but I found myself really painful and hot after my last treatment, it flared pretty badly and my boss sent me home. I can't see an end to this its just not going away its actively getting worse. What the hell do I do?

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