This diet/supplements regime cleared my skin of all psoriasis

Posted Fri 10 Feb 2012 12.21 by alisonchesterlambert
I was diagnosed with it.

I was diagnosed with pustular psoriatic arthritis in 2004. By 2005 I had it all over my palms and the soles of my feet and I was in agony. I tried all the NHS solutions and it made the pain worse in all cases. The in 2008 I began to research seriously, looking at the academic studies coming out of China. (I am a Masters degree student myself) It became obvious that one could not cure psoriasis topically, treatment would begin in the gut by addressing mal-absorption problems and in particular healthy gut flora. (Since then, NewScientist has reported on the growing scientific awareness of how a healthy gut environment affects all manner of the bodies systems. I found an obscure diet which rang a bell with me, so I tried it out. It worked. Within two weeks, all the psoriasis had gone. If I relax my regime and allow myself the privilege of any kind of sugar, it is back with a vengeance, so I have proven this diets efficacy to myself over and over again. Here's what worked for me! Absolutely NO smoking! It really makes it worse. Absolutely NO sugar AT ALL. So that's no fruit sugar either. No fruit or fruit juice. If I have any fruit, the condition returns. Every day, morning and night, I have 200gms of Yeo Valley organic, natural, probiotic yoghurt. (NOTE - NO sugar!) This is to flood the gut with good flora. Daily Supplements: 2 x Bio-Kult Candea capsules. (Again for gut flora) 1 x high strength Milk Thistle 350gms at 80% silymarins 1 x ultra high strength 5MG Biotin (from Nature's Remedy) - this stuff makes the gut flora healthy - it uses it to construct itself. And that's it! The BIG one is giving up smoking and sugar. You can tell if something has sugar because it tastes sweet. IF it tastes sweet..... you can't have it! It's that simple. I hope this helps some people - I would LOVE it if others got the relief I did! Two other people I know did this and both had clear skin after 2 weeks. It works for eczema too! Best Wishes, Alison Chester-Lambert

Posted Wed 15 Feb 2012 19.22 by PrisK
I have had psoriasis for over 17 years now. I once was covered on more than 75% of my body, tried many treatments...and just stopped everyth

Hi Alison, I have tried diets with no sugar, nor coffee/tea/alcohol, and cigarette of never worked for me. I then got rid of dairy products and my psoriasis got better but never disappeared. I guess it depends on the type of psoriasis that one has... I tried selenium though and it improved, but once again did not disappear. Are there other people who could please let us know if they tried the diet Alison is recommending and if it worked - and what type of psoriasis they have! Thanks

Posted Fri 31 Aug 2012 07.17 by Crushy (edited Wed 22 Jul 2015 17.20 by Holly1)
No but my 8 year old daughter has

My daughter is 8 and has had psoriasis for just over 2 years. She had it on her eyes, arm, a big ring around her belly button, above her bum. After trying every cream in the world until getting a proper diagnosis (after a biopsy from her eyes) I decided enough was enough, every time it came back it was bigger and new patches were coming up all the time. Someone had mentioned probiotics so I stopped all creams and started giving her 1 actimel drink a day. Within days I could see improvement and it started to itch which it had not really done before. Within a couple of weeks it had gaps and was starting to clear within 6 weeks she was completely clear of it, that was in April and (touch wood) it has not come back, and she is still taking the daily actimel. Surprisingly, the consultants at great ormond street where she ended up being treated were not the least interested in this. I appreciate it may not work for everyone but this is one thing that is definitely worth trying and I have been trying to think of a way to let people know when it occurred I could put it on a blog! If I could post the before and after pictures I would, it is truly amazing.

Posted Sat 8 Sep 2012 12.26 by no1cheesecake (edited Tue 23 Jun 2015 21.17 by JMDC)
had it about 7 years, since I was about 22. it's really affected my confidence & made me breakdown in tears of frustration at times! about

hey all I have been desperately searching for a cure for this my whole 20's pretty much. I've managed to hide the condition from most people, but you feel like such a plank wearing leggings & tights & cardigans in the summer, right!?? when I say I've tried everything I mean everything EXCEPT for the immune surpressant

Posted Sat 8 Sep 2012 12.36 by no1cheesecake (edited Sat 18 Jul 2015 15.19 by JMDC)
had it about 7 years, since I was about 22. it's really affected my confidence & made me breakdown in tears of frustration at times! about

ooops pressed send too quick! so I've tried everything bar the immune suppressant drugs, which I always felt the side affects outweighed the plus points! I've tried all the creams & lotions from drs, I've tried lotions & creams from Chinese herbalist places, I've tried homeopathy, I even went through an ill advised phase of sunbeds. nothing except the sunbeds & sunshine worked (downsides being orange & maybe ending up with skin cancer - great!). so I resigned myself to dealing with it & getting in with life with psoriasis. crap. but then I saw a show on ch4 called the food hospital & they suggested an anti-flamatory diet for psoriasis sufferers. so no sugar, no fried food, no starchy carbs. good anti inflammatory foods to eat are oily fish, avocados, nuts, turmeric... anyhow, I did this diet like a nazi for 2-3 months & it made a HUGE difference. I still pretty much follow the diet, but allow myself to cheat if I'm at someone's house or at a restaurant (I don't want to be one of 'those' people afterall). pleased to say I I ly have one small patch left in my right shin! everyone needs to know this! I feel like its such a simple change & it's a shame drs aren't telling patients. I've had drs tell me for YEARS that diet has nothing to do with psoriasis, but IT DOES! or it did for me anyway & I feel like spreading the word! xx

Posted Sun 30 Sep 2012 14.49 by Will (edited Sat 18 Jul 2015 15.19 by Louby77)
I have had 90% of my skin covered in psoriasis and allso in my joints.

I am a very fit 62 year old man but last February 2011 I noticed I had a small spot come up on my arm like I have never had before. I showed it to my doctor and she confirmed that it was psoriasis. Well over the weeks more came up and my doctor prescribed all sorts of creams which I can honestly say did not seem to do much good. Eventually my Doctor referred me to a skin specialist and he said he could not cure me but he could keep it under control. He offered me light treatment or drug therapy, I chose the light treatment as I was concerned about the side affects of the drugs. Well by the time the appointment came through for the treatment I was in a bit of mess and I ended going to hospital in a ambulance in August. I was extremely ill and I lost 90% of my skin, also my ankles, knees and hips swelled up and my liver was not working properly. In Hospital they gave me Ciclosporin which probably saved my life. By three months of taking it my skin was clear but I had all the side effects which you get from Ciclosporin; I was very tired and suffered with pins and needles in my legs In December I came off Ciclosporin and the psoriasis started to come back even quicker than before and it had spread to my joints which started to effect my knees, hips and back. In late January I found John Paganos’ book “Healing Psoriasis The Natural Alternative” which I read. I did exactly what the book told me to do. Well after about three weeks I started to get a little bit better and now seven months on I have no psoriasis on my skin and I have no pain in my joints. The fungal infection I had in my toenails from the age of forty has completely gone. In my case giving up any thing sweet really helped, including fruit. I started taking olive oil and garlic daily. John Pagano has given me my life back. I now work full time and the added bonus is I lost two stone in weight which I needed to do, and my blood pressure has never been so low. I now know what caused my psoriasis, and I know what to do if it ever comes back. If you have psoriasis please read this book, I know it works. This is one of the drug companies best kept secrets. I am pretty sure if I had found the book sooner I would not have ended up in hospital. Best of luck and stick to the diet. It works. Will Cook P.s. You can get this book on Amazon £8.50 but please read the feed backs first.

Posted Sun 16 Dec 2012 19.55 by itworkedforme (edited Sat 18 Jul 2015 15.20 by Lisa)

im convinced diet is the key. iv had psoriasis for over 40 years and have just stuck to a gluten and wheat free diet for just two weeks so far and can not believe it,my psoriasis has gone!!

Posted Wed 19 Dec 2012 21.22 by pedro200933
i recentlt got dianosed with psoriasis, it flares up and looks really bad its in intimate places too which is not pleasent to look at and ta

hi im paul im recently been diagnosed with psoriasis, im unemployed live alone am a smoker and eat loads of chocolate on a regular nightly basis for the last 3 yrs since loosing my mum and partner 4 motnhs within eachother, my hair fell out with alopiecia and now this, creams dont work iv tried dovbet , that helps a little , silkis that doont help, hydrocortisone, betnovate, dermol, doublebase and diprobase, would you be able to reccommend anything that i could use to go back to my gp for something that can help as i feel they give me these creams looking for the one but i have not found the one yet and doubt i ever would, i have it on eachside of my nose , back of neckm arms elbows hands crevies in between legs , on my legs and on the head of my penis, which is mad because some days it can totally diasapper then if i ejaculate then it comes back, obviously this is not good being single. any advice that i could ask my gp for is got to be worth trying as i have no where else to turn for help now

Posted Fri 21 Dec 2012 15.28 by TimA
Plaque psoriasis over most of body: especially shins, elbows and hands.

pedro200933: if you've only ever seen a GP, I think you should ask for a referral to a dermatologist. Then, depending on the extent of your psoriasis, you should try and get narrowband UVB treatment - in my experience that is what works. Then: I tend to agree with others in this forum - diet plays a big part. It may be hard, but you need to cut out stuff from your diet to try to figure out what is triggering your condition. Creams & UVB will not fix you - but a change in what you eat might. That's just my opinion, of course.

Posted Thu 21 Mar 2013 12.38 by catbishcat (edited Tue 14 Jan 2014 22.15 by gayle)
Guttate and then plaque psorisis for the past ten years and all throughout my 20's, psorisis cleared completely when I was pregnant and now

Dear Alison your post is very interesting and I am keen to follow your direction and recommendtions... Can I ask - when you say sugar free - does that include fruit as in natural sugars. I eat a lot of blueberries and red fruits and this is part of my healthy eating, I have tried to reduce my dairy intake conmsiderably and Im not sure anything is working for my pso at the mo as it is quite severe since it returned with a vegance after my pregnancy. I have ordered the daily supplements you recommend but please can you clarify sugars for me. I previously used to smoke but have not smoked in the past 18 months and will not return to that bad habit. Any advice would be ideal as I am not sure where to start - whethere i go sugard free or dairy free or use the book others are recommending ? x

1 Posted Sat 23 Mar 2013 23.05 by Yorkshirerose (edited Wed 27 Mar 2013 21.13 by TonyT2863)
Psoriasis on head and neck for past 4 yrs

Dear Alison and Catbishcat, I have recently had my first child and noticed that my psoriasis has gradually got worse after my pregnancy. I am sure the very strict diet during preg and less stress meant the condition was eased. However it has def got worse in the past two months which I believe is diet linked, tendency to snack for additional energy as tired and sick of winter weather. I am going to follow Alisons direction below and use this as a turning point for my skin and well being. Good luck to Catbishcat if your going to try aswell. YR

Posted Thu 18 Apr 2013 01.54 by Mufina
Hi, I have a psoriasis nearly for 17 years now, since I was 11 year old kid. It's mostlu in my scalp and ears, elbow, but when it gets wors

Hi Alison, Hope you are well. That is very interesting I recently have lots of stress and have not been eating well and it got so much worse after a couple of years I have been managing it quite well. I' have must say practice of enemas helps me a lot. Apart of using some shampoos I have not been visiting doctor for medical prescriptions. Thank you for inspiration I am going to take a challenge for non sugar diet with supplements you recommended and will keep you posted.

Posted Mon 27 May 2013 17.16 by Tania
22 years

I have just joined the website and have really enjoyed reading all of the positive posts connected to this topic. I too can support the evidence that this approach truly works! I have had psoriasis for 22 years since my early twenties. I have tried many creams, steriods, ciclosporin etc..etc.. and finally after all this time and faced yet again with another choice of hardcore drugs I began to question if this really was my only option. I began looking on the net and discovered 'healing psoriasis the natural way'. 4 weeks later and already the skin is clearing, old marks fading, no new patches and a whole lot less dryness. Will continue and hope for further healing.

Posted Thu 30 May 2013 12.42 by mrgk3560
Pustules on my scalp, back, torso, legs...very itchy scalp...joints starting to ache...

Hi, I am 53 years old and was diagnosed with psoriasis last Feb 2013 although I suspected I had it when I first saw the 2x4 red patch above my left hip on my back 2 years ago. The red and scaly patches spread across my lower back, legs and torso in the last year. I've had dry skin and scalp issues for decades, esp. in my cold region of Edmonton, Alberta where winters are dry and cold, so it was tough to link my scalp issues until I saw the same red patches last year. I've also had GI issues in the last ten years and I've had many tests over the years but there were no findings. I thought of malabsorption issues, possibly a gallbladder dysfunction but I haven't had it checked. I think my GI issues are related to my psoriasis. Just recently got my topical prescriptions from my derma and know that those treatments won't help but I will try them anyway. I am encouraged by all the suggestions. I discovered this site last Saturday. I began my no-sugar no-pork diet 3 days ago and I noticed less itchiness on the pustules on my body. I will buy the yogurt, supplements including ginger and garlic and see how this help. I have also decided to try the gluten-wheat free diet as I've also suspected I may have celiac which I read from other sites may be linked to psoriasis. I hate yoghurt but will eat it daily if that's what I need. Thank you all for taking the time to post what worked and didn't work for you. I think I just need to try what works and doesn't work for me. The alternative is scary and undesirable - biomedics with side effects like TB which is worse than the condition it is meant to address. I have the kind of system that tends to get the side effect indicated in the prescription. Good luck to all of us! God bless all psoriasis sufferers!

Posted Sat 1 Jun 2013 14.47 by Debbers
I have it on my scalp, and elbow and spots on my legs and arms. I came here because I also have arthritis and I have been looking for diets

Hi Alison, I am beginning the journey to see what is going on in my body. It started with arthritis, but sure what kind, my fingers are just starting to get bent up. I live in Italy and I made an appointment several months back to see a doctor but I have started researching it now. Today I started looking for diets for the psoriasis and I really do think it is all connected. As of today I am stopping all sugar and most yeasts. We will see what happens. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

Posted Wed 26 Jun 2013 20.49 by Anniegrannie

I have suffered for a few years now with odd bits of psoriasis but about six months ago my foot flared up really bad, I have been having coal tar treatment at the hospital but not found much benefit from this even though I continue to go twice a week. I read your blog on Monday evening and decided just to try the sugar free side of it, and, hey presto , my foot is looking so much better already, I hope I am not being to optimistic. But I will keep you posted, thankyou for your blog x

Posted Wed 31 Jul 2013 04.03 by Jandy1314
6 years

Hi Alison, Just wondering if you have any tips on a diet I could follow. Im a smoker...light smoker, will give up. Im a sugar addict...will give up, I will try and get these capsules (are these Australian?) Do you have any other tips, like wheat and gluten free or what I should or shouldnt eat? Thanks

Posted Sun 8 Sep 2013 18.52 by getso1985
for past 10-15 years

Hi all, Thanks for being active on this forum, I have never stumbled upon on it before, but now I know where to chat about my condition. I have few questions now... Alison Chester-Lambert The 3 medicitaions you use Bio-Kult Candea capsules high strength Milk ultra high strength Can I just buy them and use them? wont they have any kind of a side effects? Will Cook Thanks for that option too. What sort of diet you have made? was it cutting sugar and smoking as well? as other say? or was it something different and special? have you taken any medication or bio medication if book has suggested? which ones? Anothre unknow person from the trheat You have quoted "oily fish, avocados, nuts, turmeric..."

Posted Sun 8 Sep 2013 18.59 by getso1985 (edited Wed 9 Oct 2013 21.23 by
for past 10-15 years

oooops something happened and my unedited version of text has been submitted, I'm continuing here. Another unknown person here, suggested this diet "oily fish, avocados, nuts, turmeric..." Do you only eat these food for whole your life? I would better die with psoriases that have everyday the same shit. So, as most of the people mentioned here is that sugar free diet, also I know that meat, nuts, fruit, some vegetables, gluten etc is the food which trigers the psoriases, Now I have the question... Dose that mean that I have to cut all my food? just leave few and repeat that all the time for whole my life? Or Should I cut some, for example fried meat and sugar as well as cigarettes? I would have cut all of it, I would not eat at all if I knew that It will be cleared away and it wont come back, but to be on that diet for whole of my lifee???? thats depressing!!! Help....

Posted Mon 9 Dec 2013 22.33 by ellie
Around 50 years just part of my life more or less wide spread but don't let is get me down too much. Life is good in other ways

HI I would like to let you know that I also have found doctor Pagano"s book in the library and have now bought it from Amazon. Have been on the diet for two months and must admit my skin is much improved. You have to be prepared to change your what you eat. But I find I can still have quite a lot of food that I enjoy

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