This diet/supplements regime cleared my skin of all psoriasis

1 Posted Wed 11 Dec 2013 14.48 by warren1 (edited Wed 11 Dec 2013 15.03 by pgeorge)
widespread psoriasis for 30years

I am currently trying the Pagano diet and searched the internet for information. I found a five case study of patients following a dietary regimen which is the same as Pagano. It is by Erec Amein MD Clinical Researcher. Also it is the most detailed study of patients using diet to try and solve Psoriasis that I have seen. The site is : ''Psoriasis - Alternative Medicine Review'' Please look at this and tell me your opinion. I will keep posting any progress that i will hopefully make. regards, War

Posted Wed 11 Dec 2013 15.09 by warren1
widespread psoriasis for 30years

ps type in the following to view the review. ''Medical Nutrition Therapy as a potential Complementary Treatment for Psoriasis'' by Erec Amein

Posted Fri 28 Feb 2014 16.30 by JBA
Scalp, ears, midrif and a little on arms and legs

Hi there, My psoriasis greatly calmed down after following the principles in Konstantin Monastyrsky's book: 'Fiber Menace' - you can read all about his work here Personally I find his insights something of a revelation. After mentioning my progress with psoriasis to the author, he also kindly pointed me towards a histamine restriction diet which cuts out foods that cause inflammation. My psoriasis continued to calm down further, however it flares up quite quickly if I don't keep my histamine intake low, and this is a little difficult when you are away from home. I am now on a mission to get rid of any skin products with preservatives and other nasties in and give my body a break from everything that is causing stress and inflammation. Hopefully this will be the final touch to clear the psoriasis up completely. For those of you who are feeling down about your psoriasis, I hope you find some relief from this information. My dermatologist refused to even discuss diet in relation to psoriasis as there is no scientific proof of a connection. However, if it works for me, I hope it will work for you too. I have always sensed that diet played a major part, but I couldn't quite figure it out. I hope this helps, and Good Luck!

Posted Fri 28 Mar 2014 01.59 by KatieLG (edited Thu 10 Apr 2014 08.14 by Ruth A)

Alison, Thank you more than you could imagine for your post. This regime worked for me!!! My skin began to clear around 3 weeks. I could tell my body was starting to heal from the inside out. I don't eat beef and pork, cut out coffee and mostly all dairy except cheese, no breads, pasta, try to stay away from refined sugar, I didn't use bio kult candea, I had bought the regular bio kult probiotic, (suggested by Dr. Campbell-McBride) I take the biotin and milk thistle and I take a good vitamin D3 pill 10,000 IU each morning. I only drink water unless I am cheating for an alcoholic beverage which is not frequently. I also began using Psoriasin ointment to speed up the process. Each day has gotten better. Others who are suffering with psoriasis, please please try Alison's regime and supplement plan and adjust to your body. I have had psoriasis all over my entire body, face and scalp; everywhere for 7 years. I have tried everything, the pagano diet, steroids and have tried everything to avoid biologics. My mood and outlook has changed and I feel normal again. Can't thank you enough Alison. I have 2 young children and they began asking questions about my spots. I was getting very worried that their friends would begin asking what was wrong with me and wouldn't be able to bare the embarrassment for my kids.

Posted Fri 28 Mar 2014 21.56 by ebony and ivory
Ive been a sufferer for 7 years ,and my mother has it to

I am new to this group and had the condition.for 7 years ,droplets all over my body which went after illness bit the big plaques elbows never ever seem to go ,have tried cole táta ,and sterios creams diprosalik betnovate and hydrcotizones ahh to many to metion to be onist ,bit nothing seems to work ,im in dispair as i am to marry in june this year and desorarly to get rid of it or redukce it asuch as i can ,Dont wrong i have learned to ?ipe with it and Dont uesally ?á?e that people see it ,but I am concious of it more so as it will be all eura sty wedding and the whole thing is out furrher ,the doctor has now given me elecon oitment ,has anyone had good exsperiances with this cream ? ,also i get anemia had it on and of for years people think i sjould ask the doctor for a celliac test ,and are these 2 condions linked to p ,i would really like some help from everyone pls am getting deaparate for what to do next ,or if this elecon is even good

Posted Sun 30 Mar 2014 21.51 by paulb7765
I have had psoriasis for 4 years now and it has made me very depressed and changed my life for the worse. I'm now on anti depressants and ca

Hi Alison, after having a nasty flare up after my ps almost cleared, I've decided to try your method. The only thing I'm not sure about is when you say no sugar does that mean even sugar in food like rice crispies. I'm on the gluten free diet and its the only type of breakfast food I eat. I also have glutten free bread but that has sugar in it as well. Alot of food has sugar in it, only if a small amount. Also are there any fruit you can eat? If not do you need to take supplements for the vitamins your not getting anymore from fruit. Thanks Paul

Posted Thu 10 Apr 2014 08.12 by Manali
- I have had psoriasis for 23 years. I am keen to try our the natural way - diet etc

Dear Alison, This is my 3rd day of the diet and supplements. I have had a sudden flare all over my body and itchiness of psoriasis in the last three days of changing to the diet / supplements. I am assuming it is normal for a reaction like this? Did you have a flare up in the first week and then it subsided? Please do let me know. As I am not sure if the reaction of the skin is good or bad.. Thank you! Manali

Posted Sat 19 Apr 2014 14.18 by cna
friend has it and see the psychological effects

hi Alison A good friend of mine has recently been taking a plant derived mineral supplement called sizzling minerals . She has noticed a marked difference in symptoms (less itching and decreased scaling and redness). I am fortunate enough not to suffer myself but have seen the devastating effects it has had on her psychologically over time and I know that she has tried many different approaches in an effort to help herself. I will of course be passing your amazing dietary comments on to her

1 Posted Sat 7 Jun 2014 21.41 by Dianne (edited Thu 12 Jun 2014 15.07 by beverley)
My son has this condition.

I don't know if you still check this sight Allison but wanted to ask you about your diet. My son is trying to clear up his skin through diet, has cut out dairy, red meat, gluten products. He is juicing with vegetables and drink around 4 cups a day of juice. This last flare up is being stubborn. He does eat fruits however. I appreciate any comments you may have. I am from Ontario, Canada

Posted Thu 12 Jun 2014 15.18 by kylejj
in almost every way imaginable

DIANNE!! Hey, i'm trying to get your attention b/c I also have psoriasis, just like your son; and can answer your question about the recent flare ups he is having. Tell him that due to the nature of his psoriasis, his gut is inflamed right now- meaning it is easily irritated, red etc.. just like his skin. Now, with this knowledge, we can apply some common sense. Common sense tells us that lots of fiber (digestible, and especially indigestable) acts as an abrasive to anything it touches- Good for cleaning out healthy tissues, Bad for cleaning out sensitive tissues. This is why your son will notice that around 6-18 hours after chugging concentrated, fibrous membranes from vegetable juice; his skin will be inflamed. I learned this the hard way. He is on the right track to the cure, but he needs to realize, visualize, what exactly his gut looks like so that he can develop a sense of what materials will help/hurt the problem. Thx

Posted Sun 5 Oct 2014 11.09 by chrisf
In my scalp , in eyebrow, around ears.

I noted within one week that pancreatic enzymes improved the hard, scaly skin on my feet and improved wound healing.

Posted Fri 2 Jan 2015 20.32 by ckorff
I have mild PS on my face, scalp and chest. My mother suffered from severe PS all,over her body most of her life.

My mother recently passed away from MND/ALS. She also suffered from chronic PS most of her life which became particularly acute following cancer treatment in her 50s. One of the few positives from her finals months with MND/ALS was that her PS completely cleared. Unable to swallow, she had a tube or 'peg' placed in her stomach through which she received a powdered dietary formula provided by her Dr. This was her only form of food. While it was not completely clear what was in the formula (others on this blog may know), it contained no gluten, sugar or fats, and a list of vitamins, minerals etc. The positive response of her PS to this dietary formula was so immediate and dramatic, it has to warrant further investigation. I hope you find this helpful. It would be great to see some more science around the link between diet and PS.

Posted Thu 12 Feb 2015 01.47 by scottwilson
Dr Harrison God will continue to bless you more abundantly, for the good works you are doing in peoples life, I will keep on writing good

Dr Harrison God will continue to bless you more abundantly, for the good works you are doing in peoples life, I will keep on writing good and posting testimonies about you on the Internet, I was healed from toenail fungus. I saw a blog on how Dr Harrison cured people with his herbal treatment, i did not believe but i just decided to give him a try, I contacted him and also got my healing, i am so happy. If you have any problem or you are also infected with any disease, kindly contact him now with his Email: SACREDSPELLTEMPLE@HOTMAIL.COM or call him on +2348079540032 you can add him up on whatapp. you can also reach me for more information

Posted Tue 12 May 2015 20.25 by janwatson12

I used to suffer from psoriasis for about 15 years so I have tried every single diet there is. Unfortunately almost every cream had little effect at all and neither did any diet method but thankfully I was actually able to completely cure my psoriasis after my cousin told me how she cured hers. I only had to do 2 things,: 1. Use a humidifier in your house. This will add moisture to the air and to your skin without you knowing. 2. Follow every step in the free video & guide seen at Try those two steps and hopefully you will get as much luck with getting rid of psoriasis as i did. Just remember psoriasis does not have to be a permanent problem, creams may slightly ease symptoms occasionally (as does fish oil capsules) but you really need to tackle the root cause.

Posted Sat 18 Jul 2015 15.17 by L Myall
Itchy patches: on scalp and around navel. Started about 10 years ago.

Dear Alison, thank you so much for your post about diet and supplements for good gut health. I developed small patches of Plaque Psoriasis on my scalp and around my navel about 10 years ago which I thought was as a result of stress. Medication worked but only for as long as I used it. Over the last year the patches have increased and got larger and more itchy. 6 weeks ago I saw your post and I am so grateful to you. I followed what you suggested and now the patches are all but gone. I've also done some research on the importance of good gut health and the GAPS diet. I'm going to keep the sugar, starchy and manufactured foods to a minimum but today I had my first apple in six weeks (lovely!) and I think I'll slowly reintroduce some fruit. I ought to mention that on the fourth morning of following the regime I felt a wonderful sense of calm which made me wonder if poor gut health had caused the anxiety/stress in the first place. You can quickly test if you have poor gut health (which can cause many autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis and even autism in some cases) you can do a spit test: first thing in the morning spit into a tall glass of water. Leave it for 15 minutes and then take a look to see if the spit has grown 'legs' into the water. If it has then there is a problem with your gut health. Google this for more details - I found it online. I'm sure I would have seen results more quickly but I did have a few glasses of wine on holiday and I noticed things weren't very good after that, so it set the recovery back a bit. I hope this helps other people and thanks again, Alison.

Posted Thu 30 Jul 2015 19.41 by davepm
Had plaque psoriasis on lower limbs for over 6 years and recently suffered a flare-up at Easter 2015 which spread rapidly up my legs and ont

Hi Alison, I have had patches of plaque psoriasis around the lower legs for over 6 years now and kept the discomfort under control with E45 anti-itch cream. However, it flared up big time after Easter, which coincided with a major increase in stress due to workload. It rapidly spread up my legs and thighs, moving onto the right side of my body, starting out as small patches which started linking up. I got 2 bouts of infected patches on my legs and the whole thing seemed to merge. I was given Betnovate steroid and Dovonex Vitamin D creams, along with a Dermol 500 anti-microbial emollient and moisturiser which I used as a soap as well as for temporary relief. The creams did not work and seemed to inflame the condition. It seemed my surgery were treating the symptoms but not the cause. I had been on this site, and others, and was beginning to make a connection regarding the immune response system and gut flora. So, 3 weeks ago today, by 5pm after work, it was so bad I felt I was being eaten alive by ants.. I had read your story with interest and decided to try your recommendations. I could only find Activia and a general multi-vit with beneficial bacteria supplement at the local supermarket, so shot home and consumed two yoghurts and 2 tablets at 1730. At 1945, I noticed that the usual stinging had abated somewhat and seemed a more tolerable itch. Overnight the patches seemed to weep and in the morning were angry, but with red edges and a yellow crust. I bathed and went to work and had a better day of it as the discomfort was significantly reduced. I continued the regime, having yoghurts twice a day along with double the dose of the gut supplement until I could get to a Holland and Barrett on Saturday, when I purchased their Bioglan Balance Ultimate FloraSuper Strength 4 strain capsules, Biotin 300mg skin, hair and mucous membrane treatment and Milk Thistle 261mg Over Indulgence capsules ( the only ones I could get at the time). Result? By Monday the stinging had abated, the itching was minimal and the soreness was reduced with several patches showing a developing yellow centre. I was bathing each morning and letting the skin dry naturally and was pleased to see the red edges turning to dry skin and flaking off. My GP is pleased and I have stuck with the routine for three weeks now , along with regular applications of Dovonex and Betnovate (which I can now use, as this seems to have broken the cycle) and there is no discomfort and the legs are virtually clear, with the upper body (which developed last) taking longer to clear, but responding well. I have cleaned up my diet and am now embracing a Mediterranean element.. salads, fish, tomatoes, pasta, olives, greek yoghurt and dips with crudities and fresh multi-seed bread... all foods which I have enjoyed, but now are regular additions along with old favourites such as stuffed jacket potatoes. I still eat 'trad ' ie meat, pies and veg and stiil have the occasional Chines and Indian. Sorry to bore on, but your dietary supplement has given me a way to break out of the endless loop... I was depressed, irritable and losing focus at work, stressed, coming home and drinking to numb the discomfort and stress and this became a spiral, the stress and alcohol feeding the psoriasis. I realised then that stress and excess alcohol were the key, combining to produce a less than healthy gut. So I have stopped drinking and employ old CBT techniques to calm myself down.. however, I did let the boat out 2 weekends ago when the weather was nice and beer was cold, and the following day, the itching was making itself felt again, so I now know my triggers. Sugar doesn't give me an issue, but I am largely a savoury person anyway. Other benefits? I wear my shorts now and have stopped frightening the neighbours as the redness is almost gone... I feel so uplifted by the blessed relief, and now have a real reason not to drink again as I could not stand a return to that hell. Is it cured? I don't know, but I am comfortable and am having trouble finding the areas on my legs to apply the creams now. Will it come back if I stop applying the creams? we will see... all I know is I couldn't use them until the cycle was broken and the condition was on the way down, so your treatment did it for me big time. Sorry if I have wittered on, but I wanted to post my experience. I know the condition is as broad as it is long, but I hope this may help others? Thank you Alison. Dave Pendry.

Posted Fri 21 Aug 2015 22.59 by J7d
Plaque psoriasis 30 yrs

This diet is working for me! Hello All, I am new to this site but have been on the Pagano diet for 14 months now so want to share my experience. I've had plaque psoriasis for 30 years and it gradually got worse, accelerating in the last 10 years until I had lots of patches on my legs, my elbows and started to get small patches on my face. Then I discovered the Pagano book - it has changed my life! It was the first time in 30 years that anyone explains what psoriasis really is. After 14 months of following the regime as strictly as I can (I couldn't face the colonic irrigation or enemas!), my legs are completely clear and my elbows are much improved and still getting better. I haven't itched for 13.5 months and feel so much better in every possible way. I did experience some new patches and very dry lips in the early stages as he warns but this quickly cleared up. The regime seems a bit daunting at first but once I got used to it, I found it much easier to follow than I expected and I try to stick to simple salads when I eat out. I would recommend anyone with psoriasis to at least read this book and decide for themselves if they want to try it, but my advice would be - DO IT, IT REALLY WORKS! This book has changed my life. Jill

Posted Tue 25 Aug 2015 16.48 by Jacobsmum1

Hi I hope you don't mind me posting this but so many of my customers suffer with psoriasis and are having amazing results with our clean eating plan which has over 100 recipes and more importantly the goodness of 27 fruit, veg & berries from our capsules. Please take a look at my website I have so many close friends that have suffered for years but have totally changed their lives. Thanks

Posted Wed 20 Jul 2016 19.10 by Alex Bond

Sorry, but I have to laugh at these fad diets. The fad diet preachers will tell you that it will cure anything- even cancer. They populate every forum on the internet telling people that cutting out sugar or gluten or drinking yoghurt will cure any disease that they happen to have, and of course the poor sufferers are so desperate they will clutch at any straw. The big give away is that none of them agree on exactly which diet works. If you look through this forum you will see advice on 20 different diets to cure psoriasis. You really think it's that simple? You really think that no official controlled studies have been done? They have, and they show nothing. I have been on a sugar free diet in the past for different reasons and it did not help my P one bit. Another random claim I see posted everywhere here is about smoking. The OP here is virtually saying that smoking CAUSES Psoriasis. Think about it for a second. 99+% of smokers do not, and have never had, psoriasis, and the vast majority of Psoriasis sufferers do not smoke. You do the maths.

Posted Thu 11 Aug 2016 23.45 by Lorna

Hi all, Thanks for all the advice. I started a no sugar/meat diet to try to cut out inflammation in my feet as a last resort (my partner is a chef-I love good food). I too am a bit of a cynic and can understand Alex's point about lack of physical scientific evidence to prove that diet changes are linked to curing psoriasis. However in my case it has helped. For about a month I gave up sugar,coffee,meat,cigarettes and booze- all the fun things basically! The psoriasis really calmed down and started to heal up. My feet began to look like feet again and I could walk without pain. This month I've been working away from home. I cannot control my diet and my old friend psoriasis is back. I'm convinced its the sugar linked to food, wine and fruit and the lack of oily fish which I had been eating by the bucket load. I wholeheartedly respect your views Alex as logical and reasonable- I think along the same lines about many other aspects of life. So Alex, I admire your stance and while I agree on your need for scientific proof to back up wild claims of cures and dietary salvation, I and many others just want some relief and if the steroids don't work we are going to try anything. I think the main thing we need to realise about psoriasis is that it is specific to each person and the treatments we use are going to be different too. There is nothing wrong with looking for advice and other ways to deal with our own unique problems. Let's keep finding ways to deal with this horrible skin condition. Thanks everyone.

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