This diet/supplements regime cleared my skin of all psoriasis

Posted Fri 12 Aug 2016 09.43 by gingermonkey
For several years...drives me mad but won't bring me down.

I think there is a link between gut health, inflammation and pso. It is different for everyone though. There are loads of stories of people improving there skin through better gut health and managing what they consume and it is credible, albeit anecdotal. Topical treatments help the skin to soothe and reduce plaques etc. But only when you consider the effects of other things do you get a broader view. Expecting Pagano to fix your skin is an exciting prospect, but be cautious - I followed it for over a year, lost 2.5 stone and def had improvement but nowhere near what the book predicts. I now keep certain things out of my diet and bath with Dead Sea salt x3 a week to keep skin plaques from coming back, the redness is always there albeit some fading now Whatever works for you stick with it and don't ignore or dismiss what has made a difference for others - I know I'm stuck with this condition but I'll do my best to keep it at bay - which is more than the docs and specialists I've been involved with have managed to do. Having been on meds that actually caused my skin to split, mental health deterioration and immune system to drop dangerously I'll never go down that route again that's for sure.

Posted Tue 30 Aug 2016 12.59 by Alex Bond

Well, on a more positive note, I've recently purchased a small home phototherapy unit (proper Phillips uvb narrowband lamps in it) I previously responded very well to the UVB treatment in hospital, but it's just too awkward and unreasonable to have to visit hospital 3 times a week for months, so I decided to try some home treatment. It's working just as well as the pro treatment in hospital (not surprising since it's exactly the same uvb light, just smaller) It's can take up 30-45 mins depending on how much psoriasis you have to treat, but it's still much more convenient that traveling to hospital. Also, you can continue with preventative sessions even when you are clear. This has been a godsend for me, I wish I'd bought one years ago. It only cost £130 as well, I think everyone with P. who has responded well to Uv light in hospital, should get on e of these. You can go all the way up to £6k for a full body booth, but the little handheld ones do the same job, just not as time efficient.

Posted Wed 31 Aug 2016 00.57 by Mydadpeter

Hi there is a doctor in america that swear by hi method John o. A paganos book I have read it an it make sence you ill know when you read it also what he talks about how porisis works i did not even know an i have sufferd for over 20 years Alo this is link from omeone who read the 300 pages and breaks it down Let me know what you think i am tarting tomorow

Posted Thu 16 Feb 2023 09.32 by shady778 (edited Sun 2 Apr 2023 05.29 by shady778)

Psoriasis Cream - Purchased this for my father, works wonderful. Takes care of all the itchy, flaky areas including the scalp. Highly recommend this product.

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