My experience and help please

Posted Tue 11 Dec 2018 22.35 by Tyrant675

I have head scalp psiorsis for 6 years, I used coal shampoo, and early on a antifungal shampoo got rid of my scalp problem. Now it does nothing. I went to the doctors about 8 months ago and was given a multitude of drugs. All of which don’t help. The steroid ontiment, sort of pause it, but I need better results as it horrible mentally for me. I psisorsis is now all over my scalp, on my forehead, skin, legs, forearms, between my legs, my rear, back, in my ears, it really sucks :( any advice

Posted Tue 11 Dec 2018 23.01 by OhNo_NotAgain?

As a start, I would suggest that you spend a few hours reading through three forums here: - Psoriasis Experience (this one). - Talk About treatments. - General Chat

Posted Wed 12 Dec 2018 06.20 by victoria

Stop coal shampoos on some folk like me makes it worse. I now stick to baby shampoo also take piroton tablets to stop the scratching and camamine cream which I keep in fridge and that realy stops the itching . Be strong I know what it's like try try not to scratch do something to take your mind of it. Keep nails short. I scratched my scalp so bad at first infected it so a course of antibiotics cleared it up . Try something like Waitrose baby butter on skin tiny amount gently massage in Victoria 🎄all have a good Christmas god bless you all

Posted Wed 12 Dec 2018 06.44 by Kaylie

As someone who suffers from having it in my scalp as well,, what I use is: sebco in dry hair leave it til it soaks in (several hours so I use it before bed) I will then in the morning utilise a nit come to remove the loose skin and then utilise a natural shampoo to wash my hair. The less chemicals in my shampoo the better for my scalp. I will repeat this twice throughout the week and although this doesn’t clear it, it does reduce it and makes it manageable to a certain degree.

Posted Mon 17 Dec 2018 20.21 by Paul macbay
Hi. I'm Paul and I have had guttate & plaque psoriasis from the age of 4 and recently PSA which first started in my teens but was missed.

Hi. Sounds like you have it pretty extensively all over? What have you tried so far?

Posted Mon 17 Dec 2018 22.41 by Tyrant675

So far I have tried, Coal tar shampoos T gel Diprosalic scalp solution and ointment (vitamin d analogue) Calciprotol cocois (coconut oil and compound ointment) Hydrocortisone (steroid) Betnocate (steroid) Aveeno ( use twice daily, cream) Derma spray (expensive) Canastan (steroid) Stuff from lush Stuff from body shop - hemp cream Baby shampoo Nizoral Bare in mind steroid creams work in the sense of pausing the skin growth. But most the things above to help, but nothing prevents. Also I do not drink and never have, nor smoke, am In good shape, gym 3 times a week for the last 6 years. Hardest thing in all this is the perseverance to continue all these, because the end of the day these will not cure. I am also not very stressed, but have a little anixeity, but the amount most people will get. I eat like 70% veggie diet and believe mine is triggered by my age and genetics, I am 26 btw

Posted Tue 18 Dec 2018 00.18 by ohwell

Thing is psoriasis is something that nobody has a clue about. There is no cure, nobody knows why it happens, mine just started, almost like turning on a light. I did not and have not changed my diet. It is not an allergy ? Maybe it is? But me? No coal tar soap.Get some of those cotton "baby" gloves. You may scratch in your sleep, won't be so bad. Are you seeing a consultant, might as well get referred if your doc will do it, but in fairness you will more than he does about psoriasis.

Posted Tue 18 Dec 2018 22.28 by Paul macbay
Hi. I'm Paul and I have had guttate & plaque psoriasis from the age of 4 and recently PSA which first started in my teens but was missed.

I can see you've definitely tried a lot of topical treatments which like you say only sooth or treat the symptoms (if mild). Not knowing where you are with being referred but I would definitely request to be referred to a consultant dermatologist to open up.a whole new range of treatment options as GPs are very limited in what they can offer. From what you described you have it all over, would that be correct? Reason I mention it is how much body coverage you have in % will dictate treatment option levels (costs vs side effects vs your desired outcome) . Is it plaque (thick scaly patches the size of a 20p and larger) or guttate (hundreds of much smaller plaques) all over? Also have you filled over a QOL (quality of life) form? Your GP or derm should ask you to do this as it's a tool used by the profession to illustrate just how much this is affecting you phsically and mentally. This again will be used to direct your treatments as from what you have so far described you could well be way beyond topical and steroids. I hope this helps?? Keep in touch...One other thing this is to the link for the NICE guidelines for psoriasis as I've found it very useful to know how the NHS treatment system works to then make sure it works for you.

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