How to take the pain away of walking

Posted Sat 22 Dec 2018 17.43 by Sue
PP for past 10 years

I have had Parmar psoriasis for over 10 years and it is as everyone knows who has it, quite a debilitating condition. I have tried lots of medicines and lots of different moisturisers none of which work apart from ciclosporin which worked for six months then my BP soared so I had to come off it. The one solution that works is something a lovely nurse showed me Duoderm (Amazon, NHS) which is a thin self adhesive dressing. Cut the dressing to size and cover any cracks or crevices in your foot, warm with your hand to make it stick and it immediately takes the pain away allowing you to walk. I find that it is better to take off the dressing before showering or having a bath, some say you should not do this but it works for me and then reapplying afterwards if needed. If you have cracks behind the toes then it is necessary to dry the area with tissue for a few mins first before applying the dressing. In this case I leave the dressing in place because that seems to work better. I have also found with pain on my hands or where I cannot dress my feet because I’ve hurt them scratching taking two paracetamol according to the correct dosage helps manage the pain and itching. Using these dressings has really helped me to walk without much pain. The dressings can get a bit hot and sticky but not having the pain makes it worth it. I carry a few pre cut shapes of dressing with me so that I can replace any that need replacing or if I get a new crack. Works on your hands as well. I hope this post help someone.

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