Bad Flare Up All Over My Body.

Posted Fri 4 Jan 2019 22.29 by Sarah

Hi,I’m having a really bad flare up,so itching,sore and painful! My skin feels like it’s on fire.I have psoriasis all over my body,not much that isn’t covered. Need some help of what to use,I’m using Eparderm at the moment and Dead Sea Salts in the bath.

Posted Sat 5 Jan 2019 12.40 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Sat 5 Jan 2019 12.41 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Try adding Oilatum bath oil, or Oilatum Plus bath oil to your bath water (or apply it to wet skin in the shower). I used this 38 years ago when first sufferring from psoriais and used it again last year with a new flare up. It really helped me. I used it together with dead-sea salts in the bath.

Posted Sat 5 Jan 2019 20.54 by Sarah

Thank you for that,I will get some. I will try anything at the moment,as it’s so sore and some of my skin bleeds! Does it make the bath slippery?

Posted Sun 6 Jan 2019 00.19 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I find it CAN make the bath slippery, but I do not find it dangerously so. I broke an ankle in Nov 2016 Have a steel plate reinforcing things) , and had a hip replacement on same leg in dec 2017, That leg is now 20cm shiorter than the other. I am not 100% stable on my feet, but I find it OK and not particularly problematic.

Posted Sun 6 Jan 2019 14.46 by Sarah

Hi,I’ve just tried the Dead Sea salts and oilatum in my bath and it has given me a little bit of relief. So I’m thinking I do that every night and hopefully it will help me a lot. I also use epedarm to wash with which is good. Thank you for the suggestion.😊

Posted Sun 13 Jan 2019 12.02 by Sarah

Hi,just wanted to say thank you for suggesting the Dead Sea salts with oilatum as my skin isn’t so angry and inflamed.It has really helped.👍🏻

Posted Thu 31 Oct 2019 09.58 by Livingwithpsoriasis

Hi everyone, Just thought I’d jump on here to let everyone that we’re interested in the natural psoriasis treatment cream from La Lune Noire, that the cream is currently on sale for £12 - I believe it’s normally it’s £16/18 ish! I’ve spoken about this on a few post and it really has worked wonders for me, and tbh it’s the only cream, except steroid cream, where I’ve noticed and big difference in flare ups! It’s amazing, I think I’m on my 3rd or 4th jar now - love it! Speak soon, Jess x

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