befuddles but happy

Posted Sat 5 Jan 2019 09.46 by barbersdrove

I was diagnosed in 1950 at age 2 and am now 70 yrs old. I've NEVER been clear of it, had every type and just about every treatment going apart from the Methodextrate. This past couple of months I've noticed it clearing and today for the first time in 68 yrs I cannot find a patch and my elbows are smooth which is a totally new feeling! I've no idea why. As far as I'm aware I've not changed anything,habits, meds, diet, activity, etc all just as they have been for years. The only thing I have been doing is drinking lots more water as I have a heart condition that means I need to keep hydrated. But surely a bigger intake of water cannot be the trigger for this? Whatever it is, i'm very happy. Just have to make sure I don't come in contact with anyone with tonsillitis as that really makes it flare up all over.

Posted Sat 5 Jan 2019 10.17 by victoria

I am so so so happy for you all those years suffering fingers crossed for you that it completely clears no one deverses this horrible condition happy 2019 to you Victoria

Posted Sat 5 Jan 2019 18.53 by Welshsha


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