Fellow young sufferers

Posted Tue 8 Jan 2019 20.17 by emilyrc

I’m 19 and have just suffered my first outbreak of psoriasis - it’s very severe covering probably 60% of my body or more . As I know you will all understand, this has been devastating for me and I’ve really struggled socially when I used to be extremely outgoing , happy and bubbly . I am wondering whether anyone around my age , say 18-21 who is also suffering would be up for connecting ? Just to talk and discuss how we’re coping/feeling ? I realise speaking to a stranger may be daunting but I’d really aprreciate someone who can understand right now . It’s always nice to know you’re not alone. Please let me know if you’d be interested in starting a conversation .

Posted Wed 9 Jan 2019 19.16 by maruw

Hi! I'd love to get to know you :) I have also very severe psoriasis (covers about 60-70% of my body) ...I'm 19 too but I live in Finland. We don't have these kind of forums so I had to sign up to this one. I've been searching for a long time for someone to talk to who can understand my feelings, problems etc. Well, basically someone who can relate to my problems regarding psoriasis. (I'm not fluent in english but I'm trying to do my best) Mari

Posted Wed 9 Jan 2019 19.56 by emilyrc

Hi Mari it’s lovely to hear from you . I’m sorry you’re also going through this horrible thing . Would you be interested in talking over email or Facebook ? Emily

Posted Wed 9 Jan 2019 20.08 by maruw

Whatever you're comfortable with :) facebook?

Posted Wed 9 Jan 2019 20.29 by emilyrc

Yes ! You can find me under Emily Canham from Salisbury . There is a blue background to my profile picture :)

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