New to psoriasis

Posted Thu 17 Jan 2019 16.40 by Dollyann

I am 78 and to my astonishment have just been diagnosed as having psoriasis. This is possibly due to my to my immune system being comprised after a viral infection. My gp has prescribed an emollient and cleanser and Dovonex ointment. However I am confused as to how I use them. Do I - Use the emollient and cleanser then shower - Then use the ointment or should I use the emollient again before the ointment. Your help etc would be much appreciated

Posted Thu 17 Jan 2019 19.24 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Dollyann, I am very surprised that you doctor did not explain this to you. I would sstoongly advice toy contact the doctor's surgery again and ask this, OR possibly aske the dispensing pharmacist who fulfilled your prescription. There should also be a Patient Leaflet with the Dovonex. I don't know exactly what the < cleanser > is - but that MIGHT be to be used in the shower? USUALLY I would expect to use the Dovonex as presctibed (does it not say on the label - eg 2 times per day or similar) USUALLY I would expect to use the dovonex once or twice a day - NOT just before a shower, as you would be washing some of it away. I would expect to use the dovonex before an emollient. USUALLY an emollient can be used several times a day - pretty well as needed to keep skin hydrated and perhaps relieve itching. I seriously recommend that you go back to the doctor and ask these questions, or to the pharmacist who issued them (he can also ask the doctor for advice).

Posted Thu 17 Jan 2019 20.09 by Dollyann

Dear OhNo_NotAgain? Thank you for replying. I fully intend asking for clarification from my gp/pharmacist as you suggest. The dovenex is to be used. twice a day and that’s clear on the instructions but the emollient and cleanser is confusing me. Today was the first time I started the treatment, so I slapped the stuff all over, using it as a cleanser, then showered it off, then slapped the dovenex on, was that wrong?

Posted Thu 17 Jan 2019 20.43 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Some emollients are designed to be used in a shower or bath as an alternative to soaps or shower gels. But usually when people refer to an emollient on here, they are referring to a cream used as a moisturiser. In that case, if you apply it and then wash it off you are possibly wasting it. When I was prescribed dovonex, it was only to be applied to the psoriasis plaques, and not slapped all over the entire skin. I am not clear what you did when you say that you < slapped the dovonex on >. I think you really need to consult your gp/pharmcist and this time before leaving or hanging up the phone, make sure that you understand clearly how to use the different products for YOUR particular case and type of psoriasis, and that all of your questions are answered by the professionals. Best wishes.

Posted Fri 18 Jan 2019 10.19 by Noelginger

Have just recently been told have psoriasis by my gp having visit gp as had red blotches on face worried what it was allergy but more recently on shins and elbow red patches was told this was due to using the betnovate cream which was prescribed to help with this so this cream made it spread what is best moisturiser or cream to help especially redness on face and forehead

Posted Fri 18 Jan 2019 10.59 by OhNo_NotAgain?

noelginger: I do not know exactyl what you were told, but I have NEVER heard of betnovate or any topical treatment making psoriasis spread to other parts of the body. I have had psoriasis since 1980. Generally, it was always advised not to use steroids on the face, unless specifically advised to do so by your doctor. There was a condition often referred to as < betnovate face > . Over use of betnovate (and other steroids) thins the skin on the face, and this could lead to redness caused by the blood below the skin showing through more readily than normal. I have occasionally used steroid (including betnovate) on my face, but only the faintest smear on my finger and only for 1-2 days. If the redness is caused by thinning the skin, then there is no cream to immediately repair it. I would suggest going back to your GP. Regarding a good moisturiser, I use Doublebase Gel, or Doublebase Dayleve Gel.

Posted Fri 18 Jan 2019 11.27 by Noelginger

Thanks i will try that , yes maybe i used to much and u used in my face

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