Posted Thu 17 Jan 2019 23.34 by Rosemary

Hi has anyone any feedback on this cream. I ordered through the internet from USA. The cream is Chinese. Was getting great reviews Thanks

Posted Fri 18 Jan 2019 07.45 by OhNo_NotAgain?

What are the active ingredients? http://www.papaa.org/news/zudaifu-cream-warning https://www.gov.uk/government/news/herbal-skin-cream-found-to-contain-steroids This seems to be a replacement product for Yiganerjing (which was claimed to be steroid free, but was not).

3 Posted Mon 18 Mar 2019 12.27 by squiggles72
I have had psoriasis since I was 13 years old. In recent years it has affected my scalp badly. I have it on my elbows, the bottom of my back

I have been using this on my scalp and now totally clear for the first time in years. I only had to use for 10 days so even though it probably contains steroids, it was cleared in a very short time compared to steroids from the gp that have to be used for weeks and don’t have any effect anyway. I have yet to find a list of side effects by using zudaifu apart from thinning of skin (which all steroid medication does anyway). I am coming round to the opinion that there is money to be lost by the big drug companies if we use these ‘herbal’ remedies. Until I find out why this is deemed dangerous I will continue to use sparingly should my psoriasis return!

2 Posted Wed 17 Apr 2019 13.28 by Paul

I do agree. The officials are so reliable as B737Max certification, F**k off of MY skin. This is MY choice. Firs time for over 40 years I am free of psoriasis symptoms.

Posted Sun 19 May 2019 05.23 by VQH

My sister gave me thus stuff and my psoriasis is beginning to clear for first time in. years. It seems like anything that actually cures is illegal. I think the pharmaceutical companies are evil to the core, they don't care how much we suffer from not being cured that just want us to keep coming back and buying their relief but no cure products. I don't care,what's in this stuff I will use it as long as I can get it. I might finally be able to wear my hair up in public without being ashamed of the sore Scailly patches behind my ears and around my hairline. And omg the relief of not itching around my private parts is undescribable.

Posted Sun 19 May 2019 06.24 by OhNo_NotAgain?

VQH: of course people are free to use whatever they can buy. If they do not care about what ingredients are really in the ointment (compared to what the manufacturers and retailer claim) or in what concentrations and they are not concerned about potential adverse effects in the future, that is their choice.

Posted Sun 19 May 2019 06.52 by Paul

...ask for the same the manufacturers of biological therapies. About potential adverse effects in the future, That is also your choice. FDA use following sentences as eg. "Patients and their health care providers should discuss the benefits and risks of Siliq before considering treatment." And... "Suicidal ideation and behavior, including completed suicides, have occurred in patients treated with Siliq during clinical trials. Siliq users with a history of suicidality or depression had an increased incidence of suicidal ideation and behavior compared to users without this history. A causal association between treatment with Siliq and increased risk of suicidal ideation and behavior has not been established. Because of the observed risk of suicidal ideation and behavior, the labeling for Siliq includes a Boxed Warning and the drug is only available through a restricted program under a Risk Evaluation and Mitigation Strategy (REMS) called the Siliq REMS Program. Notable requirements of the Siliq REMS Program include the following: Prescribers must be certified with the program and counsel patients about this risk. Patients with new or worsening symptoms of depression or suicidality should be referred to a mental health professional, as appropriate. Patients must sign a Patient-Prescriber Agreement Form and be made aware of the need to seek medical attention should they experience new or worsening suicidal thoughts or behavior, feelings of depression, anxiety or other mood changes. Pharmacies must be certified with the program and must only dispense to patients who are authorized to receive Siliq." etc. So...do you believe to Big Pharma ? Do you trust them and state agencies ? Do you trust this modern, VERY expensive, VERY risky treatments are safe ? I do rather will stay with chinese ointment for 1.3 $ per tube. BTW I use 3-4 tubes per year so the risk is VERY low.

1 Posted Sun 19 May 2019 18.41 by OhNo_NotAgain?

With a licensed treatment (for anything), the medical profession can be aware of risks and potential side-effects and monitor for them. They (and you) can also trust the dosages and contents of each treatment. With so-called chinese medicines, they are unregulated even in China, and it is not straightforward to assess the risk of using something if you cannot trust or know what is in each tube or batch, in terms of actual ingredients and/or concentrations eg "steroid-free herbal preparation" found to contain steroid in levels not regarded as safe in the west.

2 Posted Sun 19 May 2019 21.45 by Paul

Yes...absolutely everything must be regulated,certified,controlled and audited. Orwell 1984. The class hierarchy of Oceania has three levels: (I) the upper-class Inner Party, the elite ruling minority, who make up 2% of the population. (II) the middle-class Outer Party, who make up 13% of the population. (III) the lower-class Proletariat, who make up 85% of the population and represent the uneducated working class. As the government, the Party controls the population with four ministries: the Ministry of Peace deals with war and defence. the Ministry of Plenty deals with economic affairs (rationing and starvation). the Ministry of Love deals with law and order (torture and brainwashing). the Ministry of Truth deals with news, entertainment, education and art (propaganda). The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism by Emmanuel Goldstein. Frightening and depressing ? Absolutely YES.

Posted Mon 20 May 2019 00.31 by wendyloish

I told myself I was not going to get into this discussion, but I can't help myself. So here goes. It is not just about the nanny state and losing power to others. This is because, if the medications you take have consequences, those consequences are paid for by society. Directly, to hospitals and doctors. Socialised medicine means not just the one way highway of covering everyone and paying for it, but the other direction of minimising the cost so that the system remains viable. So society assumes not only the burden, but the right to control harmful consequences. Another way of looking at this is that government has a duty to minimise harm to its citizens, not only from militaristic threats, but also from unfortunate consequences (like being poisoned). Who would say that government has no obligation to test such things as thalidomide and notify its citizens of its effects, and even to prevent consequent harm from it to its citizens? Freedom or health and safety, which is more important? wendyloish

1 Posted Mon 20 May 2019 01.49 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Thu 10 Oct 2019 07.40 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Paul: you are still free to buy this or similar products in the way that you are doing, and free to use them. You cannot buy it through mainstream channels perhaps, as that would involve the seller and distributor taking a degree of legal liability for the product and it's effects. High dosage of topical steroid over a long term CAN be harmful. Generally they will not take liability for a product of unknown quality, ingredients or concentration, that has not undergone clinical trials. Not this particular ointment perhaps, but some people have died from the effects of chinese medications or so-called herbal medicines of chinese origin. Just because something comes from China does not mean that it has been manufacturered based on some mystical alternative medicine. Nothing to do with an "orwellian society" or anything similar. You can buy cetain medical treatment-products over the counter. Some are the same active ingredient as that prescribed by a doctor, BUT quite possibly in a lower concenration or dosage. This is done so that the medically qualified professional can monitor the effects and your body's reaction to the strnger dosage.

1 Posted Mon 20 May 2019 07.18 by Paul

I do wouldn't like to prolong the discussion but we are on psoriasis forum so what I want to point is: 1. for over 2 years I have no sympthoms of PS (after few months of chinese ointments application). For the first time after ca. 40 years of my PS story assisted by numerous dermatologist (professors were among them). NEVER any of prescribed therapies driven to such spectacular and long time remission. 2.since the end of application of the chinese specifics I DON'T use ANY permanent medication.No chinese nor any other. Simply there is no need to do so. 3. I have MSc in chemistry. 4. My brother (also has the PS) is a professor of genetics/biochemistry. Of course the PS is one of our favourite subjects of conversations. Trust me, we have the background. and we know much more than average knowledge about. Also regarding modern biological therapies. 5.I don't demand/expect you will change your mind. Trust to the state. Wallow in "safety". But remember. Big Pharma point of view is...healed patient is a lost client. And think twice before you enthusiastically start to be beta testers of new medication.The "western" ones...certified, approved etc.

Posted Mon 24 Jun 2019 10.18 by justanotheruser

My right middle and ring finger used to have this skin issue since 2015, I used this cream because too desperate to get to another skin specialist and waste of money. It healed within a week !! last week actually. Each individual may experience different results but mine was great and i happy with it. Ps : I Am live in SEA and i got it from local online marketplace,

1 Posted Wed 9 Oct 2019 18.11 by Lauriek

Hi I have just received mine in the post and am just about to start using this product. Im not concerned whats in it as long as it works (nothing else seems to). I have one question though as it doesnt state it on the packaging I am unsure what sort of dosage to use. Any help with this?

1 Posted Wed 9 Oct 2019 21.01 by Paul

Twice a day. I do recommend to take a shower every evening and use body moisturising cream based on glicerin (not vaselin or parafin). It significantly helps to remove scales and make the skin softer. Using the Zudaifu or any other cream on scaled skin is senseless and not effective.

1 Posted Thu 17 Oct 2019 08.26 by Lauriek

Well I have used it for the d first time, and I am afraid never again. In my opinion this cream is dangerous. I applied the cream to a small area on my hand that had scaling on it and straight afterwards went to bed. I awoke at about 3am, I could hardly breath and I could not feel my hand or forarm, I thought I was having a stroke. This has never happened to me before. Since that night only now am I getting the feeling back but still not fully. I will never take the risk with this cream again.

1 Posted Mon 17 Feb 2020 09.16 by alfio1960

I used ZUDAIFU for about one month.....i solved 90% of my psoriasis problems...no side effects.. I spent a lot of money for buy cream..treatments...oils...but only ZUDAIFU helped me....I have seen good results for the first time....

1 Posted Wed 29 Dec 2021 20.38 by aggisdemetri
had psoriasis for 30 years, now free from it..

For 35 years Ive been using the usual creams containing steroids from the GP without results and warnings, last 5 years using Zudaifu sparingly like 20 15mg tubes per year is nothing compared to the big pharma rubbish, Zudaifu is the only cream that clears up psoriasis for me. At less then £1,20 per tube online has to be a huge saving for the NHS.

Posted Sun 26 Mar 2023 15.26 by Elyisus

My body has Psoriasis since about 3 months. At first I did not know what it was, but after consultation the diagnose was unanimous: Psoriasis. I am 71 and probably I had small patches for the last 10 years, but since they disapear on their own after a week or two I didnot pay much attention to it. But this time it was diferent, the flares were painfull, and some patches were postular psoriasis and it is very uncomfortable as clothes stick to the flare. You all know that. I have been reading and learning about for the last weeks and found a doctor that concentrates in diet and lifestyle and she offer a total cure based on that. So I decided to go for it completely since it will have a good improvement in my general health and, who knows, maybe the psoriasis will heal. I started the diet, very strict, two weeks ago. I feel really good with this diet which I think is similar to other diets for improving health as a way to help healing of psoriasis. Very soon I noticed the flares were at least not increasing, but the doctor, a women from Russia that has psoriasis all his life until she get rid of it, ask patients to stick to the diet for at least four months and all her patients have recovered. I am ready to keep this diet and lifestyle recomendations, like excercise. Then I was suggested to try Zudaifu cream. I read about (the good and the warnings) and decided to try it. I order online and get 4 tubes. I started to use it, according to instructions, few days ago. Today is the fourth day I use it and to my surprise it worked since the first day and the patches are healing and the discomfort has disapeared almost completely. I'm going to keep using it, moderately and with a watchfull eye for evaluating results on the long run. I keep my diet, very strict, along the topical Zudaifu cream. Yes it has a Cobletasol, a corticosteroid, but guess what, it is the active ingredient of many pharma products to threat skin conditions. I will keep commenting my experience with Zudaifu.

Posted Thu 18 Jan 2024 16.16 by EllisAuf

As long as you follow the instruction and dosage, I "think" it would be safe. First, only apply 2-3 times a day (thin, don't thick) Second, use it for 3 consecutive days and see if there's any result, or maximum use in 7 days. If no result at all, stop it....Don't keep using it for la ong duration (weeks, month). Third, avoid when you're pregnant and such. I stop using the medicine like this, once it's healed (or we can say better), then they replace it with healthier lifestyle and healing herbal foods for skins health. ... Of course, the effectiveness vary on people.

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