Guttate Psoriasis and Methotrexate

Posted Thu 24 Jan 2019 10.06 by Matt

Hi, so I have a a couple of questions but I’ll give you the whole background story of my psoriasis first. Currently travelling and working around the world and about 8 months ago I got strep throat. In turn apparently it’s given me guttate psoriasis. I have it all over, scalp, arms, trunk, back, thighs, legs. They aren’t scaly or particularly itchy or even large for the most part but more red than anything. There’s just sooo many. I’m quite an outgoing and confident guy, what i’d say excellent health also. Not overweight and very rarely get down in mood or get phased by anything but this has really changed my whole life, personality and perspective. I’ve been using steroid creams/ointment/foam (a lot of them) for the whole time without a break as I wasn’t advised to have one. Now in turn this has given me Perioral Dermatitis. Basically from overuse of the steroid it’s given me that, also incurable. I’m going through a depression stage right now, I just want my old life back and decided to go to another Derm. She has now given me another diagnosis of Seborrheic Dermatitis on my scalp, Perioral Dermatitis on my face along with Seborrheic Dermatitis on my face (in my beard) anddd Guttate Psoriasis. Now she’s has decided to put me on a course of Methotrexate. This is apparently 70% success rate of full clear skin, at the very least a short period of time. So my questions: 1. Has anyone been on this treatment and got cleared? (With a similar story or not) 2. From anyone who has got or had this before. I keep being told it may not return, as Guttate Psoriasis has a chance of just clearing either with or without treatment. Has anyone had this and successfully got it cleared? If so howwwwww? I’ve changed to plant only diet cut out gluten and taking lots of precautions with doses of sun, vitamins, detox etc. But to little success with maybe a day or so with “clear” skin. Any info would be great and any info with experienced guttate psoriasis would be amazing. I just want to curb this annoying thing I’m never going to quit. Thank you :)

Posted Thu 24 Jan 2019 11.45 by Hollyedo93
I’m 25 and I’ve had psoriasis since I was 18

I have been on methotrexate for a number of months now and I’ve gone from having 8 tablets a week to now six as my psoriasis was very bad even on my scalp. I am also on Cimzia injections which I take every two weeks and I do t have no flare up at all nothing on my body at all

Posted Thu 24 Jan 2019 12.25 by Row79

I had a little psoriasis in my late 20's, then when I was pregnant it completely went away. But after giving birth it came back 100% worse. I have now been on Methotrexate for around 10 years and it hasn't got rid of it at all. It stops it coming out on my face, but its still quite bad all over the rest of my body. But I know that it affects people in different ways, so keep taking it for a while and see how it affects you. I hope you have a better outcome with it than I have.

Posted Fri 25 Jan 2019 10.38 by Matt

Thanks for the reply’s. I hope the treatment goes well. Another question how long does it take to see improvements? And can I drink alcohol occasionally? I ask just because my current lifestyle basically evolves around drinking as I’m travelling. I’ve currently given it up almost completely over the past 7 months but does it affect the drug working at all or anything like that? Thanks again

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