Hello and looking for some advice please :D

Posted Mon 28 Jan 2019 10.52 by Pinclady

Hi everyone, I am a new to this site, but I wanted to post to see if anyone could identify with my experience and shed some light or advice!:) It started with 3 spots in a line, on my right calf, about two years ago. That was literally it for probably about 6 months, at first I thought maybe they were just insect bites, then progressively more and more tiny spots appeared, mostly from the knees down, my arms and a few here and there. The last year it just seems to be getting worse, a few might ‘heal’ and disappear, but more new ones will usually spring up! I finally got my referral to derm and at my app about 4 weeks ago, the Dr said we will treat it as P, prescribed me Cetraben (to be used 3 times a day) Enstillar foam, every day for 4 weeks and a coal tar cream (not tried that yet). Out of all these, the Cetraben has been useful (or is it just that I have stepped up the number of times I moisturise a day?). I started with the enstillar and did notice a difference, BUT, I have some experience with P and steroid type treatments, and I felt that steroids are a temp fix and feared, as I have read on here, that after I finish the course it will flare up and possibly return even worse, so I am reticent to continue that. My mum has severe P and is on powerful meds now to manage it. So I have a lot of experience with P I Guess. My P isn’t really anything like hers tho, she has large plaque P, the Derm Dr didn’t comment on what type I MIGHT have, but from my research it seems I may have a few types? Is that even possible? Mostly it matches the descriptions of raindrop (guttate) P, as there are lots of spots which seem to come up in a line or a group , the size of my skin pore I guess, never get any bigger but rarely go away either, but then I do have a few ‘larger’ patches, and different parts of my body seem to respond differently to creams etc, which is frustrating! So far, it seems moisturising and Elocon (a steroid again though) are the only thing that help. The derm Dr suggests at my review app (in about a month hopefully!) they will take a skin sample to rule out anything else, but realistically what else can it be? TIA

Posted Mon 28 Jan 2019 20.56 by Pinclady

Thank you :)

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