diatomaceous earths

Posted Thu 31 Jan 2019 07.53 by Maxine

https://www.diatomaceousearth.com/blogs/learning-center/food-grade-diatomaceous-earth-human-benefits My GP confirmed this was harmless in the recommended doses as stated. It is not the horticultural grade, it is food grade for human consumption. People can do their own research like I did. It has done wonders for me. Best Wishes

Posted Thu 31 Jan 2019 08.56 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Fri 1 Feb 2019 08.35 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Diatomaceous Earth is essentially a very fine silica sand. It has no proven health benefits, i.e. that are proven by any scientific reasearch, studies, or comparative studies and trials using control groups. Most "evidence" that it does something beneficial is anecdotal and not formally documented. It is generally regarded as harmless to ingest , as long as it is so-called "food grade" rather than industrial "filter grade" which is also used as an insecticide. However inhaling the dust of any form IS potentially very harmful and should be avoided above all else (silicosis). However, it is not regulated by the FDA (or similar) and so even if something is labelled as "food grade" there is no control that is actually IS food grade or control of any level of purity. There are many claims made about the health benefits of ingesting DE and the mechanisms by which it works - most of which defy any form of basic logic or scientific questioning. There is no proof whatsoever that it "kills off" bugs, parasites and bacteria in the gut, Nor, if it did so, is there any logic or explanation (or even a theory) as to how it would not also kill off beneficial gut flora. I cannot help but notics that the websites singing the praises of ingesting DE also have a link to sell you their own recommended brand of this material. But hey, there are people who assert the heath benefits of drinking their own urine, so why not eat sand if you wish to. There are still some freedoms in the world :-)

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