Guttate psoriasis but no sore throat

Posted Fri 8 Feb 2019 20.45 by Cooper03

Hello everyone, Hoping to draw on your knowledge please? I have just been diagnosed with Guttate psoriasis. At the moment it's on my back,upper arms,stomach,chest and neck. So I've been looking online and I've seen that this is so frequently in common with strep throat. I haven't even had a sore throat?! Do you think I should get this diagnosis checked? Not doubting the dr so much it's just they told me I had hives first! Thank you in advance

Posted Sat 9 Feb 2019 09.17 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Sat 9 Feb 2019 15.56 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

I have had plaque psoriasis to varying degrees since 1980. Just about 11 months ago I suddenly had an outbrak of guttate psoriasis over my trunk, scalp, and a few spots on my legs. My GP seems quite well informed, and he explained that it is often, but not always, associated with throat infections. He also said that I could have a low-level infection with no obvious symptoms. He gave me a 7-day course of antibiotics to take "just in case". I think that even what you have read indicates that it is often/frequently (but not always) associated with strep throat or similar, but I do not think lack of such a throat condition would be automatically indicative of a misdiagnosis of guttate psoriasis. He also observed that the guttate psoriasis could have been triggered by a recent hip replacement - with the body's immune response reacting (incorrectly) to the trauma of the operation and the new hip. I used topical treatments (non steroid) and took some vitamin supplements, My GP had suggested that it might go away in about 6 months anyway. It did recede after 6-8 months.

Posted Sat 9 Feb 2019 11.12 by Hollie07

Hi I’ve suffered with psoriasis since a young age and always have flare ups. However I got strep throat 6 weeks ago and I’ve now developed Guttate psoriasis. My whole body is covered. I’ve been back and fourth from the doctors and nothing seems to work. He said it’s one of the worst cases he’s seen. Even though I’m better from the strep throat he’s given me a antibiotics in case the infection is still present in the body. I think you have have it with no symptoms as I’m guessing the symptom would be the Guttate psoriasis? I would go back and get you’re bloods checked because that’s how they diagnose it properly. Now I’ve been referred to a specialist at the hospital however I have to wait 6 weeks. 6 weeks is a really long time to wait when you’re getting no sleep because it feels like sunburn and you’re constantly itching all day. Not to mention having to wear clothes that hide it! I was wondering whether sunbeds with uvb and uva will help? I need something to relieve it! It just seems to be getting worse if that’s even possible!

Posted Mon 11 Feb 2019 03.25 by elkinscha

I have had guttate for about 3 weeks now. I had my tonsils out when I was a kid so I rarely have sore throats. I have been running a fever of about 100 for the past few weeks. Has anyone run a fever with their psoriasis? Should I have a strep test despite my lack of sore throat? Could clearing up the strep infection help clear up the guttate psoriasis?

Posted Mon 11 Feb 2019 06.10 by OhNo_NotAgain?

elkinscha: it might be that your fever is a sign of an infection and that the infection has triggered your psoriasis. Psoriasis seems to be regarded as a symptom of other conditions rather than a cause. I have not read or heard of psoriasis causing a fever - but I should stress I am not a doctor. I would certainly suggest that you see a doctor - a fever of 100 over an extended time does not seem "normal" even without the psoriasis.

Posted Mon 11 Feb 2019 14.33 by Hollie07

I’ve been perscribed another week of antibiotics in case I have strep throat still. And he been given a vitamin D/steroid foam. It seems to be working. So if definately get tested for strep. I’ve had a temperature with it even though I’m better.

Posted Mon 11 Feb 2019 21.03 by Al1234

I was diagnosed with guttate psoriasis at the start of December last year, it started out on my legs as multiple red spots that were incredibly itchy (especially at night time in bed). I went to the doctors and at the start I was given an antibiotic, but it I was back twice before guttate psoriasis was even mentioned and I never had a sore throat. By the 3rd time I visited the doctors, the spots had spread onto my stomach, arms and back. I was prescribed Enstilar foam which helped really well at the start however I was cautious not to use it everyday as I was told it was a steroid and I didnt want to rush the treatment for the psoriasis to come back as bad again. I have also been referred for light treatment which apparently should help. Presently, I still have some spots of my back and arms however majority of the spots have cleared up rightly.

Posted Tue 30 Apr 2019 09.21 by MKA

Hey eveyone So I’ve had GP since a month been to the docs a few times in my 3rd time they told me it was guttate however I didn’t have a sore throat but I did have an injury! Anyway after 2 weeks of using exorex I have seen a slight improvement on my arms! I went back to the docs she’s a skin specialist and she said to me that it will go I need to be patient it won’t happen over night, she wouldn’t even refer me to a dermatologist because she said it will go! I’m praying that this is the case, I just want my skin back my legs won’t budge which is fustrating me! I feel so anxious all the time reading stuff on the net all the time getting myself worked up when I no I need to relax! Is this the case will guttate run it’s course and clear ? Shall I use sunbeds not sure if I should. My stomach GP has given me pigmentation so I have dark patches but I can deal with that started using bio oil on it It’s just my legs, it won’t budge and I refuse to use steroid cream as my doc said if I give it you prepare for it to come back ten times worse plus I been reading it on the net aswell! Do the spots fade slowly or do they just clear ??

Posted Tue 30 Apr 2019 10.00 by Hollie07

I’m nearly 6 months now with guttate after having a strep throat. It clears and comes back. I’ve heard it can take up to a year to go. My legs and tummy are the worst. Legs are so hard to clear. I’ve found the sunbeds work for me but not everyone. Advanced Tumeric with black pepper capsules are really good. I think the key is not to stress too much but it’s very difficult. I’ve tried everything and I’m still waiting after 5 months for a hospital appointment. It’s such a horrible disease!

Posted Tue 30 Apr 2019 10.04 by MKA (edited Tue 30 Apr 2019 10.06 by MKA)

I don’t get why my doctor said she’s not going to refer me to a dermatologist She said it takes a few months I know everyone’s different but this is really putting me down! I’ve gone to homopathy treatment been doing it for a week! Just want it to go away naturally! I pray this is a one of for many years Hollie what did yours look like when it cleared did it fade then clear it just clear ?

Posted Tue 30 Apr 2019 10.10 by Hollie07

Well I’ve been referred and I’m still waiting for an appointment. It’s ridiculous because it may not be life threatening but it really affects your mental health and quality of life. I’m only 26 and I’m scared to even wear a t shirt. Yeah they start to fade but I’m left with scars almost like pigmentation. Kind of looks like vitiligo? So my arms have cleared but when I’m in the sun I get a tan but where the patches are they go white. So I look like a Dalmatian!

Posted Tue 30 Apr 2019 10.16 by MKA

Yeah I have dark patches on my stomach and back probably because I’m asain so it’s different with skin colours! I’ve got scars on my arms some parts are still bumpy! I think I’m gna give it till the end of the month and then demand an appointment! Need some of this light therapy in my life

Posted Tue 7 May 2019 14.38 by Joel_1189

My latest flair up came from a back sickness bug that I had, Which is bizarre as I've had many sickness bugs over the years but no psoriasis flair. I've brought myself a home UVB canopy and am already seeing the difference 2 weeks after starting home treatment.

Posted Tue 7 May 2019 14.47 by MKA (edited Tue 7 May 2019 14.51 by MKA)

What does your guttate look like when it’s fading ? Does anyone experience a rash near it or itching ? I also have white rings around my spots

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