This works for me. Jenny D.

Posted Tue 19 Feb 2019 17.17 by Jenny D
I have had psoriasis, on and off, since my early 20’s. I’m now 70

I am a 67 year old female. I have had psoriasis, on and off, mostly off, since my early 20’. I have had the odd ‘flare up’ over the years but It was quickly dealt with by using a suitable steroid cream, for a few days. I count myself as one of the lucky ones. I have had pustular, on my hands, or plaque on my feet and some itching, of course. However, when my mum died, 9 years ago, also a sufferer, I had the most dreadful ‘flare up’. My skin erupted with outbreaks over large parts of my body and I was tortured with an itch to end all itches! I had to wear cotton gloves over night and thin gloves during the day as my hands were covered in blotches and inch long cracks. I was familiar with the Blood Group diet (I’m A) as I had used it before for a severe mucus problem. After 2/3 days of starting the diet, the dreadful itching started to ease and after 4/5 days the blotches began to fade and the cracks to heal. I stuck ridgidly to the diet for 6 weeks, to completely clear my system and heal my skin. Over the past 9 years I have controlled my psoriasis with this diet, Dermol cream, and perfume free laundry products. I tend to stick to the diet during the week and eat and drink (within moderation) whatever I like Friday through to Monday morning. This works for me and my skin remains clear. The diet has been developed by Dr. Peter J D’Adamo and his father before him. It also helps with many other conditions too. It’s called The Blood Type Diet. You, obviously, have to know your blood group, which hopefully your doctor can help you with. Alternatively, you can purchase a self testing kit, under £10 including p&p from Stacktheme Ltd in Scotland. All info on line. The diet books are available from Amazon. It can take some effort to get ‘set up’ to start the diet but for me it has been so worthwhile. Good luck to anyone that wants to give it a try!

Posted Tue 19 Feb 2019 17.37 by victoria

Hi Jenny Interesting I shall look into this diet. See if it can help me more, thank you for the tip Victoria

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