Nioxin Scalp Dermabrasion

Posted Thu 21 Feb 2019 11.50 by rororoyourboat929
I have had plaque and scalp psoriasis for around 15 years and have been recently diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis

Hi. I am currently taking cyclosporine but my scalp is flaring pretty bad at the moment. I have hair extensions which are due to be removed and refitted today. The salon I go to has concerns about my psoriasis as it is technically a contra indication with hair extensions due to possible hair loss. They have recommended a Nioxin scalp dermabrasion treatment which would remove any psoriasis build up on my scalp before getting the extensions refitted. So has anyone heard anything about Nioxin or the dermabrasion treatment? Have any of you had it done or do you know anyone who has had it done and would recommend it? Thanks in advance Roisin

Posted Thu 21 Feb 2019 12.43 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Thu 21 Feb 2019 12.45 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Roisin, It might be a little last minute now, I am sorry, but I would advise speaking to your dermatologist before having this treatment. It is essentially an exfoliation of the scalp. Whether that would help or worsen your psoriasis I have no idea. There are reviews of Nioxin shampoo online and some people have said that the shampoo helped reduce the flaking from their psoriasis or simply their dry scalp. But what is included in the lotion/compound used for the dermabrasion treatment, or how agressive it is, I do not know. Hopefully someone reading this forum might be able to add their direct experience. As far as I know, people who use some method of softening the scales and removal (eg exfoliation) of their plaque psoriasis on other parts of their body, follow up with some other form of topical treatment immediately aftrwards - eg a good emollient/moisturiser.

Posted Thu 21 Feb 2019 13.56 by Nana heidi
I have had the problem for 62yrs, these day s it is mostly the arthritic symptoms that bother me and facial Ps.

Hi! Roisin, personally I would not recommend any kind of dermabraision as psoriasis plaques are not dry skin and have a nucleus so could bleed. I occasionally use Selinium shampoo only on the scalp,( but seek advice from your dermatoligist,) it does ease it but when younger I found it disapeared when I dyed my hair. I have had Psoriasis for most of my life, (over 63yrs) I am 73 yrs old. I have an loads of treatments, admissions, since Professor Ingram first diagnosed it. as you can imagine and the only thing that helps is moisturising the skin frequently to prevent the build up. and it may sound corny but just don't let it get you down. you do have good days and bad days the skin part of Ps is not the only part, most of the other stuff is worse as you are more likely to be susceptible to Psa nd other stuff. I hope this doesn' seem as bad as it reads , good luck , Nana Heidi

Posted Fri 23 Dec 2022 14.57 by MySkinTips (edited Sat 24 Dec 2022 06.56 by MySkinTips)

No, Nioxin shampoo and dermabrasion are not recommended as treatments for psoriasis. Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition that causes red, scaly patches to form on the skin. It is caused by an overactive immune system, which triggers inflammation and rapid skin cell production. While Nioxin shampoo is formulated to help with scalp conditions such as dandruff, it does not treat psoriasis directly. Similarly, dermabrasion is a cosmetic procedure that uses a motorized brush to sand the surface of the skin and removes dead skin cells, but it will not treat psoriasis. The most effective treatments for psoriasis are topical medications, phototherapy, and systemic medications. Topical medications can be applied directly to the affected skin and may help reduce inflammation, itching, and scaling. Phototherapy involves exposing the skin to controlled amounts of ultraviolet (UV) light, which can help reduce inflammation in the skin. Systemic medications, such as biological drugs, work by targeting specific parts of the immune system and blocking the production of inflammatory proteins. While Nioxin shampoo and dermabrasion are not recommended as treatments for psoriasis, they may still be beneficial for managing symptoms in conjunction with medical treatment.

Posted Sat 24 Dec 2022 06.57 by MySkinTips (edited Sat 24 Dec 2022 06.57 by MySkinTips)

I wrote a detailed article about the Nioxin shampoo ingredients. Hope that's helpful!

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