
1 Posted Tue 26 Feb 2019 20.10 by Lauz329

Hi. I’ve been prescribed a new treatment called Enstilar which comes in a foam. Just wondered if anyone has tried this and how they got on with it?

Posted Wed 27 Feb 2019 09.21 by Pip

Hi there I've had severe plaque psoriasis for over 20 years and am gutted to see it has now been joined by guttate psoriasis which came on after a few infections. Enstilar proved very effective on the large chest plaques and hands but it is so strong I use it very sparingly. The coldness is a relief when you spray it onto the skin and I have to say it can be a great back up. I definitely would not see it as a solution or long term answer as it is a steroid.

Posted Wed 27 Feb 2019 09.24 by Lauz329

Thank you for your reply. Mine also came on after a bad throat infection so I’m thinking it is guttate. I’ve never had it before. Is this your first time?

Posted Wed 27 Feb 2019 09.46 by Pip

My first time on the forum but been suffering for over 20 years now. The key is stress management and I have problems with that.

Posted Wed 27 Feb 2019 20.13 by MabelD2019
Recently been diagnosed with psoriasis and it's spread everywhere

I've been using Enstilar foam spray for three months now and I keep telling my GP it's not working for me. She's insistent that it's very good, but my condition has spread and I'm going through a bottle a week. It's also on my face but you can't use Enstilar foam on your face. I'm now seeing a specialist dermatologist and hope that she will give me something that will clear this up. I too got guttate psoriasis after having a throat infection but has got worse these last few months. I hope the Enstilar foam spray works for you.

1 Posted Thu 28 Feb 2019 09.50 by Pip

Have you heard of a book by John Pagano called healing psoriasis? It's got to be worth a try as it's all about the natural alternative. How psoriasis is a manifestation of something wrong on the inside. I'm rereading it in an effort to get back on track as it worked for me 8 years ago then I let my guard down.

Posted Mon 11 Mar 2019 01.01 by raja123

I have used it and I am using it . Initially it did work , but the P came back, now it does not seem to be effective . My Aunt has P and she was able to clear with no carb/no sugar deit. As per her diet is the key , I feel the same as well .

Posted Tue 19 Mar 2019 18.22 by psoriasis123

well its been very effective for me, I used for 4 weeks, and its been like 3 months and theres a red mark but my skin is so soft and plague free, its feels as if it is my normal skin well worth persistence. also No carb diet, isn't that like dangoutous

Posted Sat 4 May 2019 22.03 by Gman

Firstly for me this works fantastic to clear up the psoriasis it only takes about 5 or 6 days and its gone. HOWEVER once you stop using it after about 2 weeks it comes back twice as bad in places i have never had it before and I've had it for 27 years !! When I first started using it around about September last year I only had it on my shins and a little on my scalp. Now it's absolutely everywhere it's never been so bad and all I can put this down to is the Foam. The problem is it's so good at clearing it you keep using it but then you're in a vicious circle and it comes back worse and then you use it because its so bad and you want to get rid of it. I wish I'd never heard of it !!!!

Posted Sat 11 May 2019 14.06 by andrew1977

I’m now 41 & had psoriasis for the past 20 years or so. Until about a year ago it would mostly clear away with a couple of weeks of sunshine, apart from a patch on my left leg. That changed over the past year where I’ve had a very stressful time (the stress is now over) & my psoriasis flared up all over my body. I was prescribed enstilar & found it worked really, really well at clearing the psoriasis. It stopped it itching & lowered the scaling. But, if I stop using it for more than 3-4 days my psoriasis returns really badly & really angrily. So, my sense is that it works, but if you stop it makes it even worse. I was referred to a dermatologist by my GP & she has now got me on UV light sessions twice a week. I think they’re now helping to clear the psoriasis, but it’s slow progress. One odd thing at the moment: I’m constantly freezing cold & really struggling to stay warm. I think it’s an odd side effect from the UV treatment.

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