Psorisis in my ears!

Posted Wed 27 Feb 2019 14.55 by danelm

I have had psoriasis everywhere over the years but never in my ears until recently! has anyone had this before or suffering with it now? any help on how to ease it as its causing partial deafness with the swelling of the plaques?

Posted Fri 1 Mar 2019 11.26 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I have had psoriasis in my ears for about 15 years, although I have had psoriasis on my body to varying extents since 1980. I have been fortunate that I have not noticed any problem with my hearing or blockage, but a LOT of dry skin flakes, itching etc. I would advise you to see your doctor - if for no other reason than to confirm that what is in your ears IS psoriasis. I always have a tube of a topical steroid but i do not use them routinely or regularly. Currently I have Dovobet. I will put a small amount on my finger-tip and apply it around the ear flap, and behind the ear if the psorisis has appeared there. I also put a tiny amount on a cotton-bud and use that to apply it JUST at the entrance to the ear canal, a millimetre of two past where my finger can reach, My psoriasis does not seem to extend any deeper than that into the ear canal. I am VERY careful not to just push the cotton-bud into the ear canal and risk physical damage. (a colleague of mine who used to bore us to death with his claims to have been a paramedic, and to have various relevant scientific/medical qualifications stopped bragging when one day he perforated his own ear-drium with a cotton bud.) In MY case, I find that after the first day (applied morning an evening) I notice a difference and after 2 or maximum 3 days the ears are clear, and remain so for several weeks.

Posted Fri 8 Mar 2019 15.59 by ChrissieAnn
first sign of psoriasis at 57 and now has reappeared 10 years later.

I too have very dry skin just inside my ears. I treat mine with Eumovate which usually clears it up for about a week. My main problem is that I have psoriasis under my breasts. Very very uncomfortable and impossible to find a bra that does not chafe. Finding this very difficult to treat. Has anyone any ideas. Scalp psoriasis being difficult to eradiate too. Starting to get very down about it.

Posted Fri 8 Mar 2019 23.17 by mappaman
I am Gary and have had this horrible condition for more than 25 years and I am still suffering now !

Hi Chrissie I seem to find Ps on different parts of the body every week! I dont have a dermitologist at the mo as just moved, hope they can help soom, driving me mad.

Posted Sat 9 Mar 2019 23.50 by june

I have it in my ears, and on the advice from my G P ,I use plain old Vaseline it gets rid of the flakes,and makes my ears more comfortable

Posted Mon 11 Mar 2019 10.28 by Max

I have had psoriasis in my ears as well. I use a steroid cream about once week and it clammed it right down

Posted Mon 11 Mar 2019 12.54 by Robert

Your Doctor can prescribe on the NHS a ear spray called OTOMIZE EAR SPRAY. It contains a steroid and a broad spectrum antibiotic,worked great for me.

Posted Fri 15 Mar 2019 08.31 by Kay01

I have the same problem I have psoriasis in patches all over my body and recently went to the doctor's because my ears hurt I have a pain going through and my hearing is sometimes muffled , I also have a burning sensation I know this is prsoriasis in my ears , so I went to the doctor's and he throught I had an ear infection so he gave me anitbotics I don't know what to do either any help my doctors are useless.

Posted Fri 15 Mar 2019 09.38 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Kay01 - if the antibiotics do not help, then you go back to your doctor . . .as you would for any condition where the treatment has not helped the symptoms.

Posted Fri 15 Mar 2019 09.46 by Kay01

That's what I keep doing I have been back twice so far my doctors are useless they don't seem to do much or give me much they won't even refer to to a dermatologist I'm starting to get depressed over my body and the way it looks I know I just need to get on with it as I know I'm not the only one that suffers I woke up this morning with new patches that wasn't there before I have tried a lot of things. But I will definitely go back , thanks.

Posted Sun 26 Feb 2023 09.54 by sleppooooo (edited Tue 4 Apr 2023 06.42 by sleppooooo)

Psoriasis Cream - Purchased this for my father, works wonderful. Takes care of all the itchy, flaky areas including the scalp. Highly recommend this product.

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