Genital psoriasis

Posted Sat 2 Mar 2019 12.51 by Mrsb2019

Hi everyone! I'm a new member and I'm really looking for some advice as I seem to be driving myself to the point of no sleep stressing out! I have suffered from P from the age of 19 and I'm going to be 31 this month, since last year though I have started to develop what I would see to be p down below! I dont want to go into too much details but i now have red patches appearing in places I didn't think you could get it! I've had a dermatology appointment cancelled 3 times in the last 12 month's so actually haven't been able to see anyone yet! I was prescribe fucibet last year by a nurse after my gp panicked and made me have a very embarssing trip to the gum clinic who laughed at me and told me my doctor was stupid- So you can see my reluctance at going back before I actually see a dermatologist! After this huge post (sorry) my question is, Is it normal when suffering from p in the genital area to get it in all the nooks and crannies? And what can I do to help reduce this? I'm pretty much in tears most days and my husband is at the end of his tether! Thank you again

Posted Sat 2 Mar 2019 18.27 by Kaylie

Hey, I have had P since I was 13 years. I am now 26 and have had P down there about 2 years ago. I think it was related to exercising more but obv when it gets to a certain area it is always difficult to get clear. I ‘manage’ it with double base and ensuring I use soap that doesn’t use harsh chemicals, I also find shaving down there can irritate it more at time so just being careful when doing so. I guess this doesn’t help you with a clear answer, but I’m someone who still struggles to manage P on a daily basis cause it’s just difficult To manage and there isn’t any clear way of treating it. My partner is very supportive and tells me not to worry (although I do) but I’ve learnt to treat it as part of who I am and know I will have good and bad days with it.

Posted Sat 2 Mar 2019 20.19 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Thu 7 Mar 2019 23.30 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Many years ago a Doctor advised me to stop using soap to wash my genital area or around my back passage. I switched to using E45 shower cream, and had no further problems (I used to suffer from rashes and redness ). No reason using that or some similar non-soap product/emollient might not help psoriasis. Also, the lady who I go to for waxing (in her mid 40s and has been doing it for years, is trained and experinced) mentioned to me that several of her clients with psoriasis down there, experienced an improvement in it when they switched to waxing instead of shaving. Anecdotal, but worth considering.

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