Inflamed Psoriasis due to side effects from medication for other illnesses

Posted Sat 2 Mar 2019 13.53 by Diane Elvins

Is there anyone else who suffers from inflation from medications not related to Psoriasis? I now have to insist on low doses and check for side effects, if it says may cause skin irritation I know it will affect me. I have been covered from head to foot due to an inhaler for my COPD and now from medication for Hypertension. I don't know what to do! My Dr looks annoyed when I mention this and the fact that I am Lactose intolerant. (a lot of tablets now contain Lactose)

Posted Fri 8 Mar 2019 23.10 by mappaman
I am Gary and have had this horrible condition for more than 25 years and I am still suffering now !

Hi Dianne I survived a brain tumor many years ago which means I have to take a lot of meds for life and I do not have the choice to stop taking them. They may well conflift with my P but there is nothing I can do about it. I am sitting here now in front of the pc which helps me take my mind off the itching! I think I have taken everything now but while some have helped a bit they have all failed.

Posted Sat 9 Mar 2019 11.24 by Diane Elvins

Hi Gary, I have also been suffering for a long time, since I was 14 that makes it over 60 years. It seems to have got worse in the last 5 years. I am now waiting to start a new medication for hypertension, having read the side effects list I am very worried, it states may cause Psoriasis and also make me dizzy. Since I also suffer Vertigo I don't know if I am going to be able to cope (as I live alone) I will just have to wait and see, not happy though!

Posted Sun 10 Mar 2019 09.44 by Steve b
Hi 60"yeR old man

Hi 60year old male been on ciclosporin for 2 months now my upper torso is covered in red patches and can be very itchy at times is this normal

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