Face Psoriais

Posted Sat 2 Mar 2019 16.31 by DanielKing97

Hi everyone, I am new to this whole Psoriasis world. I have recently been diagnosed after a suffering a throat infection in November. It started in my scalp and has slowly made its way to my chest and arms. Just recently it has started on my face - and this has caused me many problems. I have been referred to a private dermatologist but i'm not seeing them for 4 weeks. The psoriasis on my face is covering my nose and forehead and I wondered if anyone had any recommendations? I am currently using a strong Origins moisturiser and a Lush Tea Tree Water spray. This however is not doing a lot. I know I can't use steroid creams on my face but at this rate I might start trying that. Any recommendations please let me know ASAP.

Posted Sat 2 Mar 2019 17.19 by OhNo_NotAgain?

There are two key and often talked about risks in using steroid cream on the face: - if any gets into the eyes, it can casue serious damage; - it can thin the skin with repeated use, and you can end up with a very red complexion (blood showing through the thinned skin). The patint leaflets for the steroid based treatments that I have had on-and-off since 1980 have always carried a warning not to use on the face without medical supervision. A doctor/dermatoogist might have a different steroid that he would use on the face. back when my psorisis first flared up, I had it all over my face and I did use some of my betnovate on the face - very sparingly, and not every day, and even a faintest smear on the eyelid. You could go back to your GP and see if he might recommend a coal-tar based treatment (I can recommend if there are warnings against using them on the face or not) or other non-steroid treatment to use until you can see the dermatologist. Some people swear by Aveeno moisturiser. Last year I used Doublebase Dayleve Gel on my body, and Doublebase Gel on my face, ( the Dayleve Gel leaves a thin barrier that you might not want on your face). I am sure that you will get other suggestions. Good luck.

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