PURCHASED A 9 Tube Canopy with 7 Philips TL01 Narrowband + 2 RUVA Tubes

Posted Mon 4 Mar 2019 01.49 by paula
Omg too much to say

Hi everyone - Although I have suffered with 'P' for 35 years, I am new to this Forum and I look forward to hearing from you and meeting lots of people in similar situations as myself. After much deliberation (whilst waiting for an appointment to start treatment) I have just purchased a '9 Tube Canopy with 7 Philips TL01 Narrowband + 2 RUVA Tubes' from MBS. I will keep you updated on the (hopefully) success of this. I have been waiting for 6 months for an appointment to have another round of Phototherapy treatment at BRI Bristol but I cannot wait any more. I have read so many good reviews about the home treatment and also the stress free home treatment - I will not have to visit the hospital 3 times a week for 20/30 odd weeks. If anyone lives in my area I am more than happy to offer them to use my new Unit once it arrives. I hope to speak to lots of members soon as this is such a debilitating disease and I think it will help me to talk to other sufferers. THANK YOU FOR READING MY POST xx

Posted Sun 19 May 2019 08.34 by Stargirl

Hi Paula, How have you got on with your canopy from mbs? I’m thinking of getting one. Currently covered head to toe! Thank you

Posted Sun 19 May 2019 11.14 by paula
Omg too much to say

Hi Stargirl Sorry to hear that. I followed the rules and started at 40 seconds each side back and front, increasing by 10 seconds each user for the maximum of 4 minutes. At first it did work well, but I found the longer time (minutes) the effect wasn't as good. It did clear a lot of it, buyt I have had my maximum amount of treatments now (although I am tempted to use it once a week for upkeep). Sad to say that after 3 weeks of stopping, my P is creeping back again. It was a lot of money (£1500) but I am going to do another course of treatment as soon as I am able to, but it is recommended only using once per year maximum. However, I got a lovely tan!

Posted Mon 16 Sep 2019 15.01 by max

I had puva treatment some years ago I thought you had to take a certain tablet to make this treatment work, I cannot remember the name of the tablet,, its a few years since I had the light treatment MAX

Posted Wed 12 Feb 2020 00.08 by Stev

Hi new on here suffered from psoriasis when I was a child from age off 5 to 17 then it just went. Got it back a few years and started on sunbed but dont actually no if the tubes I've got are the proper ones can anyone help Thanks ste

Posted Wed 12 Feb 2020 10.44 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Wed 12 Feb 2020 10.45 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Stev: if it is a standard sunbed, they will NOT be the correct tubes. Psoriasis usually responds to a particular range of wavelengths of UVB (I think) and you need the correct tubes. If you search internet there is plenty of info about what you need. Beware of second-hand beds . . . . just like standard sunbeds, you don't know how close to the end of their effective life the tubes are.

Posted Mon 17 Feb 2020 22.21 by faran

I have a unit for sale from MBS with the proper genuine Philips TL01 tubes. It’s the canopy model with 9 of these tubes that I bought for my son last year. It’s in near perfect condition and I only put it on eBay today. Take a look if you’re interested: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F333518042851

Posted Wed 4 Aug 2021 15.33 by Ollybear

Hi, Is MBS Canopy still for sale?

Posted Sat 9 Oct 2021 11.45 by Ljack

I bought a MBS canopy from eBay but it doesn’t come with any instructions, does anyone have one they can share? Do you need to let it warm up first? I’ve had psoriasis for 20 years and I can’t keep using all these creams for it to get a bit better for a couple of weeks and then come back over my entire body. I’m hoping the UVB will be better at keeping it away as the sun helps me usually. Thanks!

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