New to site and looking for some advice please

Posted Wed 20 Aug 2014 22.33 by Sjo96

Hi I have only just registered with with this site, I found it while googling my questions! I had plaque psoriasis since I was 7, when I was 17 I became completely covered head to toe in guttate psoriasis and i have pretty much stayed covered for the next 8 years. When I have a particularly bad flare up it all joins together in bigger patches again. I have had to be re reffered to dermatology and have my appointment next week which I have waited 3 months for. The thing is I don't want to go to the appointment and be sent away with some more cream to try and then get told go to the desk and make an appointment to come back in 2 months and then the receptionist won't have any appointments for 4 months anyway! Sorry to sound like I'm moaning! I have had all types of cream, the steroid ones help a little bit for a while then they stop working. The uv treatments don't really make too much difference (plus I live half hour from the hosp) . Ciclosporin helped but didn't clear it but then hey stopped me in it as I asked about having children. Can any one recommend what I can ask for when I go? And is there any other treatments that are suitable if I was going to try for a baby except creams? Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance :)

Posted Sun 31 Aug 2014 21.22 by FallOutGirlxo
Suffered with acute psoriasis on my forehead (cleared) Bad spots covering my back (clearing) Odd spots on arms and legs (maintainable)

I've tried UV treatment like you and found that it didn't make a difference either, also tried steroid creams that seemed to work for a few days then I would flare up again. Since you're trying for a baby it might be a good idea to go for more natural treatment, if you don't mind investing in something then I would recommend you try some products from Lush. I suffer from guttate psoriasis, it was especially bad (a huge patch) on my forehead and I used Angels On Bare Skin (£6.40) which is completely natural and it cleared within a week. My parents couldn't believe the difference from that product alone, it can be used on face and body. I'd been using Dovobet before then which would sometimes work but I hated using it as it's greasy and I worried about how it would affect my skin in the future. My back is covered in small spots and I used a Lush moisturiser called Charity Pot (£6.95) on my back and they now look less harsh and are beginning to disappear. I was also recommended a sea salt scrub by staff (Ocean Salt £7.25) which I use and that helps scrub away dead skin from my psoriasis and calms it down. Every product you can sample before buying if you just ask staff as Lush's products are an investment. I've suffered with P for years and these products were the first that showed a lasting difference to me and mean that I don't have the horrible smell of prescribed moisturisers on my clothes and bed. I really hope that I can help you despite having a different type of p than you.

Posted Mon 15 Feb 2016 08.23 by rabrown

Hello i have suffered from psoriasis for a few years now and it was getting gradually worse until just before Christmas I had dramatic improvement after doing the following: 1. I stopped drinking wine. Only the odd glass now and then. 2. I started drinking a good quality, loose leaf green tea - 3 cups a day. 3. I started using a different emollient moisturiser - I now use Aveeno with oatmeal. 4. My new GP changed my ointment treatment to a mixture of Betnovate & Silkis (I mix the two together in the palm of my hand before applying). One month on, one month off. 5. Cut down my sugar intake I don't know which is the critical element, possibly a combination of all of them but my psoriasis is 10 times better. Richard

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