Psoriasis in the hair

Posted Fri 15 Mar 2019 21.44 by Beccamotley

Hello, does anyone know any shampoos that will help with psoriasis. My head is completely covered and is constantly itching. Thank you

Posted Fri 15 Mar 2019 22.01 by Summer (edited Fri 15 Mar 2019 22.02 by Summer)

Try Head & shoulders Clinically proven solutions Scalp relief Think it’s helped me Try T gel Also read up on apple cider vinegar / scalp psoriasis All the best.

Posted Sat 16 Mar 2019 09.01 by Beccamotley

Thank you

Posted Sat 16 Mar 2019 10.20 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Sat 16 Mar 2019 13.03 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

I found that Alphosyl and T-gel helped my scalp psoriasis in general. Initially the intense itching was helped by Alphacade PSO shampoo. Many people have also had good results from Capasal Therapeutic shampoo. My GP prescribed this for me, but I found it did not do much in my particular case. A coal-tar topical treatment called Cocois (or Sebco - it is the same thing) also works well for many people's scalp. It can be bought over the counter or prescribed. It is not a shampoo, but a treatment for the scalp.

Posted Sat 16 Mar 2019 21.26 by Kay01

Hi beccammotley I found head and shoulders to make mine psoriasis worse in fact t gel actually didn't work for me either I've had psoriasis since I was 15 now I'm 27 , my psoriasis in my scalp compleatly cleared by using benovate a scale application proscribed to me by the doctor's I couldn't believe it actually cleared it up but then psoriasis came back in various different parts of my body but not my scalp. I've recently started getting psoriasis in my ears. Patches are just appearing almost everyday

Posted Mon 18 Mar 2019 08.38 by joe
50%-ish psoriasis coverage, scalp, elbows, shoulders, back, stomach, calves, toes

Scalp was where my psoriasis first appeared when I was 19 before it started appearing in other places. No special shampoo ever worked for me, the thing that did work best when my scalp was at it's worst was Calcipotriol solution (Vitamin D). Nowadays I do still have scalp psoriasis and it's in and around the ears too as well as many other places. My skin has changed / evolved over the years to the point where my scalp psoriasis looks quite flat and it's nowhere near as scaly and flaky as it used to be. It's probably reasonably close to resembling "normal" skin now..even moreso in the summer months.

Posted Tue 19 Mar 2019 14.01 by Andrew

The best thing I have tried is cold pressed coconut oil from lidl which I melt and rub onto my scalp. Never put in on your face as doing so made me look like a burns victim. It keeps this scales down and reduces the itching. However I’m now focusing on healing my gut with blueberries it’s day 1 but let’s hope it works 🤞

Posted Tue 19 Mar 2019 17.58 by psoriasis123

there is almost no link between psoriasis and diet by the way, but I used dovobet (vitamin d and steroid) for 4 weeks its a real pain to do every day but worth it because my scalp psoriasis has been gone for around 3 months and also I put the dovobet now on every now and again

Posted Tue 7 May 2019 23.26 by Thaumergy

I use LUSH soak and float to reduce the cover on my scalp and absolutely can't use head and shoulder or T-gel, both destroy my scalp. This is possibly due to having sensitive skin as well maybe, however, I can bleach my hair to my scalp if I grin and bear the pain, its actually really good exfoliation... 21 y/a with psoriasis for 10 years, scalp psoriasis is scaly with open sores.

Posted Sun 26 May 2019 07.02 by Margyb

I’ve got guttate psoriasis over my back, chest, arms, legs and scalp. I bought a little jar of coconut oil from Holland & barrett yesterday (£1.00) and massaged it all over including round my hairline and into my scalp. My skin is a little less itchy but there is a real improvement on my scalp and hairline and the scales have greatly reduced. I’m going to carry on with it as it’s the best it’s been for nearly 2 months. I’m also eating 40 blueberries per day and have cut out red meat and dairy. These forums are brilliant for natural options.

Posted Wed 10 Jul 2019 20.56 by Eatmorechocolate

I have had on my scalp for 10 years and tried at least 30 shampoos and treatments, prescribed and not. . None (except the benovate lotion, but I am not using that for the rest of my life) ) had any effect on the itching or flakiness. I have been ‘cowashing’ my hair for the last year., using only a sulphate free conditioner. Has not made it worse! In the last few weeks i have been on a nightshade free, low refined sugar and no alcohol diet (on top of GF and no cow) and applying neat Listerine mouthwash (original) to my hair after washing. I got this from Paganos book. At last the itching is less and the scalp is slowly smoothing out and flaking only about 20% of what it did. It’s not been overnight. I am also seeing some reduction in patches on my elbows hand and sole of my foot

Posted Wed 11 Sep 2019 14.00 by ChinaBlue (edited Wed 11 Sep 2019 14.16 by ChinaBlue )
Psoriasis worrier-warrior - using nutrition to become psoriasis free, medication free, symptom free. 1/2 way and working on it.

T-gel kept my problems at bay after I started having negative reactions to Lush products, but a cold-pressed shampoo bar with very few ingredients is best for me. I now go to Amber Lou for this. She local to me and has a cold-pressed all natural shampoo bar specifically designed for people with psoriasis and other skin related conditions. I like that her bars are sls free, paraben free, palm oil free, plastic free and animal cruelty free. Her bar that is specifically for psoriasis and has cleared my scalp entirely (although I also have a great diet plan too) is the All Natural Shampoo Bar. Her Cypress Oil & Marigold Soap is also the best for skin other than the scalp. The Shampoo bar is made from coconut oil, sweet almond oil, vitamin E, lime and aloe vera extract only. All cold-pressed. And the the Cypress Oil Soap is made from milk, cypress oil, local honey, vitammin E, marigold oil and calendula officinalis marigold flowers only.. I use the shampoo bar on its own, no conditioner dispite having the most knotty curly hair ever. The bar nourishes too and its worth the result. I'm now 9 months free from psoriasis on the scalp. Her website is not currently online. I find her at the Hereford butter market, but I'm sure she'd sell by post. Amber Lou's contact detail: 07530 376 537 or 01432 760 998 or Just ask for the all natural shampoo bar to start you off. Best of luck!

1 Posted Wed 11 Sep 2019 16.41 by Eatmorechocolate

Posted Tue 19 Mar 2019 5.58pm by psoriasis123 there is almost no link between psoriasis and diet by the way How can you say this? Any drug that we take by mouth is digested. If any of them can change our metabolism, why can’t anything else we send down our gullet? Food is just a collection of chemical compounds the same as any ‘by mouth’ medication.

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