
Posted Mon 18 Mar 2019 18.26 by Beccamotley

Hello, My legs, arms, back and stomach are covered in psoriasis for the last 2 1/2 years I’ve been suffering with this for. It is really starting to effect my mental health now and I don’t feel like a normal 23 year old girl. I have tried methotrexate, cyclosporine, light therapy, sun beds, steroids cream, changing my diet, betnovate, childs Farm cream, aveeno, e45 and numerous other creams! They all start working for a week then stop. Please if anyone could help, thank you

Posted Mon 18 Mar 2019 19.26 by scouternorm

I haven't had psoriasis on anything other than my hands & feet, but CBD oil has worked wonders with my plaque psoriasis. Possibly it would work for you, if you can get some. I have found relief with topical application of CBD oil. It's expensive - $90 for a 40 mil bottle in Canada, it lasts about 1 month, and it's not covered by drug plans. In a little over 1 year, I would say that it has cleared up my hands & feet by over 90%. As CBD oil is used more and more, I am sure that it will relieve symptoms of a lot of afflictions. In Canada, we need a medical prescription to buy it from a producer. I have uploaded before & after photos here: Good luck!

Posted Thu 12 Sep 2019 10.14 by ChinaBlue (edited Thu 12 Sep 2019 10.14 by ChinaBlue )
Psoriasis worrier-warrior - using nutrition to become psoriasis free, medication free, symptom free. 1/2 way and working on it.

Have you tried looking at nutrition. I was so frustrated with doctors and treatments that it really affected my mental health. I can't say my mental health is perfect now, but each time I feel let down by the help thats offered, I research something that helps me take back some contol over my symptoms. I started with clean keto/leafy green diet, which is great for skin repair, but I'm now looking at coupling this with low FODMAP for the low histamine levels it promotes. I have way less patches and less ear infections from the psoriasis in my ears, but I still itch everywhere, even where I don't have plaques. So into the research I go again - I usually come out with an action plan and a clear head. It's important then to follow your action plan to help you feel postive and proactive, but treat it like an experiment on yourself. If you mess up, you've learned something. There's no point in being hard on yourself and you can always start from scratch with a new experiment tomorrow. Hope this helps.

Posted Thu 12 Sep 2019 15.47 by lynzi

Hello, I have similar lots of patches, I gave up on the doctors and researched some other methods of clearing it up. I'm currently eating 20 ish Blueberry's a day a natural anti inflammatory. (takes about 4 weeks to a difference, im 6 weeks in and it really is helping, can see new clear skin, haven't seen that in years) I use Dream Cream from Lush Just about to try a ginger shampoo on my hair, will keep you posted. Hope that helps :)

Posted Fri 13 Sep 2019 09.29 by heleng

After a triple heart bypass op last year I was started on Bisopralol tablets which have caused a flare-up of the psoriasis I have had since 1975. My GP says it is important to carry on "taking the tablets" but I am wondering if there is anything i can do to counteract the symptoms caused by them? I use Enstillar foam but it doesn't seem to have much effect. Would be grateful to hear from anyone who has had similar experience - am new to this site! Thanks!

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