Pregnancy eradicated my psorisas

Posted Mon 1 Apr 2019 13.48 by KATY

I'm a 52 year old woman who has suffered psoriasis since my son is 30 and my daughter is 28 .during both pregnancies my psorisas completely disappeared. It did come back. I have calm periods of it but it has never completely gone away again. I'm assuming some kind of hormone change may have caused this and if so surely there maybe some kind of trial for this..interested if any other women have experienced this.

Posted Wed 1 May 2019 10.27 by WorkingMumOf3

Hi, I am 47 and have suffered nail psoriasis since I was 14. I was also diagnosed with PsA two years ago. During my first pregnancy at 25, I commented to my doctor that my nails had cleared of psoriasis. He said that was a common occurrence and probably due to hormonal change but to expect it to return. Sure enough, it did about 6 months after the birth. The same thing happened on my subsequent pregnancies. So yes, I've experienced it and my doctor was also aware of cases where this had happened. But I've never heard of a trial or read about it online. Could there be a potential treatment out there ...................? I'd like to think so because despite trying Methotrexate, Sulfasalazine and Otezla, my PsA is getting significantly worse. Hoping my rheumatologist switches me to biologics next because another pregnancy ain't on the cards at my age! :)

Posted Fri 17 May 2019 15.11 by StephanieAlbax
Stephanie. 32 years old. Mother of 2. Nursing student.

During both my pregnancies my psoriasis totally cleared up aswell but a few weeks after my girls were born it would start appearing again. At least ny legs were clear for labour lol. I spoke to my dermatologist about it and they told me that some people get it much worse while pregnant aswell. I was thubking surely there's something that can trick our bodies into thinking we're pregnant to get rid of this but unfortunately not.

Posted Fri 17 May 2019 17.04 by OhNo_NotAgain?

There have been several posts on here over the past 12 months from people whose psoriasis has become much more extensive when they were pregnant.

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