Scalp Psoriasis

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2019 11.57 by Twinmummy2604

Hi everyone. Ive suffered with psoriasis since I was about 20 (now 39) currently suffering with terrible scalp psoriasis. Any suggestions for a good shampoo that doesn't smell! TIA Claire

Posted Tue 9 Apr 2019 13.46 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Tue 9 Apr 2019 15.45 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Alphacade PSO - it cut the itching and flaking dramatically. As far as I am aware almost all shampoos smell of something. After Alphacade my fall-back is Alphosyl.

Posted Mon 15 Apr 2019 11.15 by Mili
Hello! Thanks for taking time to read my bio. I am 28 YO, live in London, keen swimmer, I enjoy live gigs, festivals, time with friends

Hi Claire, I know what you're going through... i tried everything until I found my current treatment.... It might not be for so you'll need to consult your GP (they can prescribe it), but it just depends how bad your P is. I tried Dovobet Gel, Sebco, Betnovet (two different solutions), T-gel, you name it, i tried it.... I was referred to Guy's hospital in London, and they have good Dermatology Department. Essentially, now I use Etrivex shampoo, two to three times a week. On nights that I don't use the shampoo I put coconut oil on my scalp, and comb it with flee comb in the morning (metal one as it's kinder to the scalp). You can use any oil that is nurturing to the scalp, for me it turned out to be coconut oil. The way I use shampoo is that I would was my hair with baby shampoo first, than dry it out a bit with a towel, and then add shampoo directly to the scalp and massage. I leave it for 30 mins to an hour or two, and then wash it out..... If you do this routinely, it doesn't take up a lot of time, and you'll see changes within a week or two.... One thing to note is that you shouldn't use the shampoo for longer Etrivex for longer than 4 weeks, as it's very potent steroid. If your GP allows it you may continue for longer (depends how you react I suppose). Hope that helps! Good luck!

Posted Tue 16 Apr 2019 17.19 by Gally08

Hi. I have plaque psoriasis. I have used steroid gel/shampoo also t/shampoos. Nothing seems to be helping Also I’m loosing my hair rapidly. Can anyone recommend anything that has work for them because I’m stressing out. Thanks Ryan

Posted Sun 2 Jun 2019 18.06 by Lynbin03

Hi all I have extremely bad scalp psoriasis atm. It's thick scales and no matter what I have used it doesn't help. Really getting me down. It's constantly itchy and I'm a picker so when I pick my hair also comes out. My hair is thinning so badly in places. Some1 told me to try body shop ginger shampoo? Has any1 tried it or have any advice. Driving me insane 😣😣

Posted Sun 2 Jun 2019 18.53 by OhNo_NotAgain?

I tried body-shop ginger shampoo. It was nice and developed a luxurious lather but did nothing to help my scalp psoriasis. But it is not overly expensive, I suggest that you try it for yourself. Different things seem to work for different people.

Posted Sun 2 Jun 2019 22.55 by Becky0102
Hi im 22 years old, Ive had psoriasis since I can remember and recently been diagnosed with PA.

Hi, I have really bad psoriasis at the moment all over my face. And little spots over my body and scalp. I find body shop amazing it doesn't get rid completely but takes the redness, pain and itchiness away! For my scalp i also use tgel only now and then when it's at its worst. I use it's everyday for 1 week (I know your not supposed to) and then i don't have to worry about my scalp for around a year as it's all cleared away. I've also used coconut oil you can get a little tub from Holland and barret for £1 and it's lasted me a year. It's very greasy so when I use it I use it before I go to bed so I can wash it off the next day. But I've put it all in my hair and body in the past and it's also helped!

Posted Wed 5 Jun 2019 14.58 by rednitchy

My problem started on my scalp and down the back of my neck. Polytar shampoo sorted that but unfortunately I now have psoriasis on other parts of body. Scalp fine and has been for about 20 years.

Posted Fri 14 Jun 2019 12.35 by Laura2019

I have a 5 year old daughter who has just been diagnosed with scalp psoriasis it got so bad we had to shave tge underneath of her hair at the back. We have been given steroid cream to clear it up which is working but can anyone advise me what's next, like what shampoo should I use as a regular one that won't irritate and bring it back. Please help me she loves her hair and I hate having to keep it shaved at back x

Posted Sat 15 Jun 2019 15.13 by psoriasis123

I'm so sorry to hear that your daughter has it, I got mine when I was 13, I'm now 24, and tbh I just use dovobet (steroid cream) and enstillar (another steroid cream) periodically every other month sometimes I skip a month. Instead of shaving I get my boyfriend to part my hair with a comb, and he applies it, You don't have to shave hair, parting the hair is fine, it very time consuming takes like 20 minutes but is worth it because I never have any problems. Theres no shampoo really that will hold it back forever, but T gel is a good over the counter one and try getting a scent free shampoo. I apply the dovobet when my hair is slightly damp so I can easily move my hair.

Posted Sat 15 Jun 2019 16.03 by Laura2019

Brilliant thank u for ur advice. It got really bad so had to shave this time but now we know what it is and how to treat it's just a case of keeping it as clear as possible. X

Posted Fri 5 Jul 2019 15.15 by SamC

Hi everyone – I just wanted to let you know that I started using Alpecin Double Effect Shampoo, which has actually really helped the condition of my scalp and the volume/strength of my hair, which I was afraid I was losing. I'd definitely recommend:

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