Methotrexate? Do I accept the treatment?

Posted Fri 12 Apr 2019 13.46 by Mili
Hello! Thanks for taking time to read my bio. I am 28 YO, live in London, keen swimmer, I enjoy live gigs, festivals, time with friends

Hi All, I've been a member for a while but never actually had a courage to start a new topic. Now I need to make, what seems as a huge decision, and who better to ask for advice than the fellow fighters of P. My P occurred in summer 2016, just on my elbows, and I kept it at bay with Dovobet. However in May 2018 (after beach holiday oddly enough), I got an outbreak which covered my whole body, head to toe, scalp and all..... Took 6 moths to get Dermatology Appointment. I was referred for treatment in Guys' Hospital in London Bridge and had UVB treatment from December 2018 until March 2019 (Christmas breaks in between, holiday, etc.) I would say that my P is 90% gone, but when speaking to the consultant, she said that UVB is probably not for me and told me that I should go on Methotrexate. During a very quick consolation, for what seems to be a big decision to make, she ushered me to give blood sample for testing and told me to go see a nurse in three weeks time. Since, I've been reading a lot about this medication and side effects which seem quite harmful and I'm not sure if it's worth the risk? Other than P, I am generally healthy 28 year old women, no family history of chronic disease, P, or anything seriously damaging to health. I don't want this treatment to affect my otherwise healthy life.... What are your experiences? I would like to hear more from you. Thank you in advance! All the best, M

Posted Fri 12 Apr 2019 14.31 by bryan james mcneill

i googled the side effects , and they look quite serious , if your psoriasis has cleared by 90% , the question is , are they worth the risk? do u think it was uvb that cleared the psoriasis by 90% ........if so why were u told that it was,nt for u ? i,m new to this site , and psoriasis , looking for clue,s to help my friend terry (who does,nt use the internet ) but was diagnosed only 2 months ago , we were more or less told that all the available lotions &potions were very much trial &error , as what works for one person might not work for another .........wishing u all the best , bryan .

Posted Fri 12 Apr 2019 15.02 by Mili
Hello! Thanks for taking time to read my bio. I am 28 YO, live in London, keen swimmer, I enjoy live gigs, festivals, time with friends

Hi Bryan, Thanks for your response. They said that UVB wouldn't be good, because I had a week between my last UVB treatment and the consultation with the doctor, and some spots started coming back (red dots and a bit of peeling). So the doctor said that UVB is not a long term solution for me. I use Enstilar foam which is quite good, not too greasy and keeps Okay-ish. As you said, I am quite concerned about side effects of Methotrexate, so I'm thinking of buying UVB lamps and doing the treatment my self at home..... (very expensive investment) For hair I use Etrivex shampoo, very potent steroid that shouldn't be used for longer than 4 weeks, but the doctor allowed it long term, seeing as that's the only thing that works for me. Things I used for hair that didn't work: Dovobet Gel, Sebco, two different Betnovet solutions, T-Gell Shampoo.... You name it... tried it all.... So now I use Coconut oil over night, was it out and put Etrivex shampoo in for 30 mins to 1 hour in the morning, two to three times a week in small doses. I had long hair that was never died or damaged, and had to cut it all off in order to manage my scalp. In brief, if your friend needs advice, I would go for Enstilar Foam, Dead Sea salt baths.... and try and book a specialist appointment as soon as he can.

Posted Fri 12 Apr 2019 15.39 by bryan james mcneill

hi mili , thanks for your reply .......just as an afterthought , a pharmacist suggested i discuss things at holland &barrett ........they advised trying fish oil capsules &echinaforce to tackle this condition "from the inside "......(apparently the latter cleanses the blood .......difficult to know if it,s working though ........)

Posted Fri 12 Apr 2019 15.43 by Mili
Hello! Thanks for taking time to read my bio. I am 28 YO, live in London, keen swimmer, I enjoy live gigs, festivals, time with friends

It's worth a try, isn't it.... I also do water fast, one or two days a week, when I can, again, to cleanse the system... let us know how he gets on!

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