2Posted Sat 11 May 2019 21.08 by StephanieAlbax Stephanie. 32 years old. Mother of 2. Nursing student.
Hey. Have just signed upto here to speak to people going through what i am.
I'm 32 and have sufferes with psoriasis for iver 10 years now. I have tried every cream and light treatment but nothing works. The last 5 years I've literally just ignored it. It comes and goes and if I'm lucky i get a month or 2 psoriasis free throughout the year. I have it on my scalp, arms, hands and legs. I don't mind having it where i can hide it but it being in my hands is the worst! The looks i get when handing money over in a shop etc. Looks of disgust, completely kills your confidence. Had been psoriasis free for about 3 months there but it's back with vengance. I'm about to finish college and start uni in September and i know for a fact the stress will of it all will have me walking about like a big itchy scale! I've been lucky enough to be with the same guy for almost 10 years and he didn't mind it but now I'm single and doubt I'll ever meet anyone else due to my horrible skin. When my light treatment at the hospital finished i spoke to the doctor about tablets you can get, i can't remember the name but remember him saying they weaken the immune system. Wasn't interested back then but really considering it now. Has anyone else taken these? If so how effective are they?
2Posted Wed 15 May 2019 08.03 by joe 50%-ish psoriasis coverage, scalp, elbows, shoulders, back, stomach, calves, toes
You've had psoriasis for so long so you likely know that it's an auto-immune related condition. All of the available systemic drugs work by acting on the immune system in some way.
Older cheaper non-biologic systemic drugs include acitretin, methotrexate and cyclosporin. Newer more expensive biologic systemic drugs include adalimumab, etanercept and infliximab. Some of these work for some people, some work for others, these type of drugs can be very effective but everyone is different so mileage / success may vary.
They're all toxic to some degree and require testing and monitoring whilst on them. There's a risk of reduced natural auto-immune function whilst on this type of treatment.
1Posted Wed 15 May 2019 22.43 by angela r (edited Wed 15 May 2019 22.45 by angela r) 4 years
Stephanie try juicing celery (not blending) every day. I've been doing this as a last resort for five weeks and my skin is really clearing up I can't believe it. A full pint every morning on an empty stomach.
Hi Stephanie,
You poor thing, i feel for you :(. Ive been a member on here for a few months but have only just really started reading the heartbreaking stories of suffering this awful condition causes. Ive had P for 34 years, every type and everywhere. Ive tried every possible treatment, except and its a huge except!! the heavy chemo drugs. I just cant bring my self to conflict more harm on my already fragile body. But saying that if you read other threads on here there are positive stories that go with them, so i would read and read the forums so you can hopefully make a decision. I have just read a forum on blueberries on here, all about how eating 20 blueberries a day has cured so many people. I have just eaten my first cup lol. Its a good read, again not a cure for all but someone worked out the success rate from the forum and it was over 70% . Worth a go maybe? I have recently cured my hands and feet naturally. Soak in epsom salt for half an hour, smother in cream of your choice, as natural as possible. I used organic virgin cocunut oil and sometimes Dr Organic (Holland and Barrett) manuka honey hand and foot cream. Place white cotton gloves on hands (wash them before first using) then hygiene gloves non-latex (both bought from Boots) and wear over night, or during the day around the house or when and where you can. Feels a little strange but you do get used to it. This got rid of the psoriasis on my hands and feet within about 3 couple of weeks. When cracks appeared i used Faster Healing Waterproof Dressings from Boots under the gloves. I really hope this information is helpful to you, I had a massive wave of achievement when i beat it on my hands and feet naturally and it didnt cost the earth. good luck
Kind regards
2Posted Thu 16 May 2019 17.29 by StephanieAlbax Stephanie. 32 years old. Mother of 2. Nursing student.
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm going to try everything before starting uni in september and going out on placement in December. Need my immune system to be strong for working with patients. Going to try the blueberries, epsom salts etc aswell.
Posted Fri 17 May 2019 09.50 by angela r 4 years
Unfortunately the blueberries didn't work for me I tried them for 4-6 weeks. I do love them though and still have them now and again. The only thing that is working for me right now is juicing my celery every day so that is what I will do - continue to drink a pint every day. Apparently people with chronic conditions do not have enough hydrochloric acid in their stomach to digest food we eat and so the gasses leak into our bloodstreams. Increase the hydrochloric acid with the celery juice and your skin starts to heal. good luck Stephanie and keep us informed of how you are doing whichever route you decide to take. I mean why not do both? It won't do you any harm :)
Hi Angela,
I tried to find the average pH of celery juice, but after scrolling through 4 pages of Google references I had not found one from anything that I would call a recognised scientific source. That being said, even if celery was highly acidic (I did find one suggestion that celery is actually alkaline), it would contain organic acids, not HCl. If you could simply increase stomach acidity to cure psoriasis, all of us eating tomatoes (pH about 4.5), or drinking CocaCola (personally not on my drinking list, but so acid it will dissolve a copper penny. pH about 2.5), or putting lemon juice or vinegar on our salad would be cured. All of these things are a lot more acidic than celery. (I found a number of 5.7-6.0 for the pH of celery)
Celery is mostly water, that is why it is such a good diet food. All that water would in effect dilute the stomach acid, and on your hypothesis, make the problem worse not better. Celery juice is just the latest fad. It probably does no harm, and between the placebo effect and the benefits of proper digestive hydration is of some small benefit to some.
Blueberries contain anthocyanins which are known anti-inflammatiory chemicals. These do work for some. Maybe they might have worked for you if given a little more time.
Sadly a cure is not that easily found. But go ahead and enjoy your morning juice. I prefer coffee which is in fact more acidic than the celery.
1Posted Fri 17 May 2019 15.00 by StephanieAlbax (edited Fri 17 May 2019 15.01 by StephanieAlbax) Stephanie. 32 years old. Mother of 2. Nursing student.
Celery is my idea of hell. Even the smell of the stuff turns my stomach. I suppose different things work for different people. Definitely trying the blueberries tho as i love them and won't need to force myself to enjoy them. Don't know about yous but it's bloody roasting in Scotland just now and I'm hating needing to cover up *Sad Face* (Do smilies work on here? Lol) 😜👀
Edit: They do indeed haha. Have a lovely weekend everyone 😄😁
Hi Stephanie,
You might be pleased to know FODMAP is not keen on celery either. Apparently it contains mannitol, a type of polyol which some people have trouble absorbing. Monash University suggests for those people only half a stalk is OK. You have to wonder how much mannitol is in the juice of a whole glass. In fact how much celery do you have to juice? I watched a YouTube video of someone who was drinking the stuff by the bunch. I do cook with celery, but the idea of drinking the juice every morning, I think after a while, like all fads, would lose its appeal.
Thanks Wendy and Stephanie. Whilst I appreciate your views on celery all I do know is that I am not taking anything else and my skin is clearing up lovely so I will be sticking to it like glue. Do i love the taste? not particularly but I have been so poorly I was willing to try. It is not just water it has cluster salts. I know that psoriasis is gut related and the liver is over burdoned so I need to help myself to heal through my diet. It may be a fad to some but as long as it is helping me I will continue to take it. I hope you are all having a lovely weekend :)
1Posted Sun 19 May 2019 23.58 by Holly1 Has psoriasis since 2001
Hi Stephanie. I think everyone reacts differently and as unhelpful as it is it's just finding that one thing that works for you. Iv been on cyclosporine which cleared my psoriasis within weeks and the only symptoms I had was fingers being very sensitive to sudden changes in temperature. Although after about a year the medications stopped working and im now on methotrexate which whilst it's taken the pain away it hasn't cleared my p. Plus I tend to have a lot more infections which this one. But no other side affects. I have another appointment next month which I believe I'm going to go to biological treatments so I'm hoping this works.
I'm sure it won't take you long to find someone else if that's what you want, and the right person will love you with and without your psoriasis otherwise there not worth being with anyway.
I hope your uni goes well. Good luck with finding the right treatment for you but if you do go down the medication route I would suggest reasearching first and I found the forums on here brilliant to get real life perspectives on them
Posted Mon 20 May 2019 19.05 by Fam
Sorry to hear about your psoriasis.. i dont have psoriasis but my husband does and i see how it affects him. His legs are the worst.
Hes had for some time now and nothing seems to work until he tried enstillar at night and then wrapped it in clingfilm through out the night to stop his from itching.. honestly i am so amazed on how much it has cleared. From thick red angry psoriasis to actually seeing his normal healthy skin.. you should try it if you haven't already done so
Wendyloish i am no scientist so i cannot explain to the extent you require me to. you are obviously more educated than me. can i suggest you read the book by Antony William about celery juice if you want to know more. whilst i do not expect people to follow my suggestion i just wanted to say that it is helping me. i wish everyone good luck. thank you x
Posted Fri 5 Jul 2019 15.47 by SamC
Be strong and confident – don't let this disease control your life! You'll find someone who will see past your psoriasis (unfortunately a lot of people are assholes). I think most people have suggested what I personally use - I do recommend Aveeno moisturiser and Alpecin Double Effect Shampoo.
Good luck and lots of love!
Posted Fri 5 Jul 2019 21.55 by justine98
hey, im the same have had psoriasis since i was 3, have used so many creams in the past and have had light treatment it seemed to work while i was having the session but within 3 days of me finishing the session it had come back, i am also thinking about trying the tablets to see if they help at all. hopefully you find something that will help
Posted Mon 8 Jul 2019 18.33 by Adam b
Hi , I've been suffering from psoriasis for about 3 years now, I've tryed all the creams the doctor has given me? But nothing seems to work. I have on my hands and legs. It's horrible when buying stuff at shops. I've had to take time of work coz I'm feeling embarrassed about it. I'm 34 and i feel it's getting worse by the stress of it. I've stopped smoking and drinking . I went away traveling round thailand for a month, and everything sort of went lol. I'm just wandering what is the best stuff to use on my hands. Tnks .
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