Psoriasis Help for a Newbie!

Posted Sat 18 May 2019 21.37 by Charmar

Looking for help as now at my wits end! Around a year ago I got a dry patch of skin on one cheek at my hairline which wasnt itchy or red but scaly. Coincidentally, around the same time I had blood tests which i get yearly due to high blood pressure (I'm 35 and my GP has put my HBP down to genetics as no other obvious reason). For the last ten years since getting these tests I've had no issues until this one, which showed inflammation. Around 4 weeks later I developed the dry scaly patches all over my face. They are not itchy at all. The usual allergy tests ruled anything obvious out and I was referred to a specialist. The dermatologist was convinced I had lupus as she had never seen anyone with my symptoms just on my face and said it was 1 in 10,000 rare that it would be psoriasis or eczema. A biopsy confirmed it was 'psoriatic' however they don't really know how to treat it and advised against steroids due to it being facial. Calcitriol ointment helped for around a month but now makes no difference. My doctor has said there isn't much they can do. It's really beginning to affect my confidence now and I don't know what to do. Can anyone suggest anything?

Posted Sat 18 May 2019 22.06 by Margaret W

Hi Charmar, I have had phoriasis since February 2018 particularly bad on my scalp but have it on my body as well at the moment. I have had it on my face on and off and my consultant prescribed mometasone furoate for 3 - 5 days followed by protopuc applied twice a week. Worked wonders for me. X

Posted Sat 18 May 2019 22.18 by Charmar

Thanks Margaret W. Did the mometasone furoate work within the 5 days? I'm refusing to use a steroid just because it's only my face I have it, but would try short term. Do you use the other one long term?

Posted Sat 18 May 2019 22.30 by Margaret W

Hi, I only put a tiny bit of mometasone on any affected areas and my face was clear within a couple of days. The other one I have used once - it’s a preventative to stop it coming back. X

Posted Sat 18 May 2019 22.34 by Charmar

Thank you very much, I will ask my doctor to try them.

Posted Sun 19 May 2019 15.49 by Jessicago @skndalive
Hello, I've had psoriasis all my life. I think psychological support for psoriasis warriors is fundamental!

Hi Charmar, That sounds so frustrating. How are you currently managing it?

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