anyone introduced quorn into their diet?

Posted Tue 21 May 2019 11.51 by Salty Backpack

Hi, anyone introduced quorn into their diet? I'm currently healing my Psoriasis for the second time through diet (it works!) I'm just thinking potentially I'm eating too much protein through chicken and turkey so looking towards quorn. Any experience...make skin better or worse? Thanks in advance.

Posted Wed 22 May 2019 22.06 by Susu

Hi salty good to hear that you are recovered through diet. Can I ask what diet are you on? Thanks

Posted Thu 23 May 2019 01.20 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Quorn is a heavily processed item, albeit meat-free. Personally I would not immediately jump to the conclusion that is is radically healthier than chicken or turkey (of course, what exactly is meant by "healthier" could be a whole new discussion on its own). People who use diet as a means to improve their health are often focussed on reducing the amount of processed foods they eat, I am not sure that quorn fits into that?

Posted Mon 3 Jun 2019 10.20 by Salty Backpack

Apologies for response delay, just got back from Malta for a week. (I'm now 98% clear) Susu - My diet is basically Veg, fruit, white meat and various supplements. Ohno_NotAgain? - I have removed most processed foods granted but I'm not adverse to eating them if a healthy alternative (not crammed with sugar and random additives I cannot pronounce) To me processed foods is anything from a fast food chain or blatant processed food like plastic cheese. Anyone eat Quorn on a regular basis?

Posted Mon 3 Jun 2019 10.35 by OhNo_NotAgain?

The manufacturers of Quorn refuse to release a list of the additives they use. As I have said, what is "healthy" could be a whole discussion in itself. I am not recommending or advising against Quorn, but to not regard it as heavily processed seems quite strange to me.

Posted Wed 11 Sep 2019 14.36 by ChinaBlue (edited Wed 11 Sep 2019 14.38 by ChinaBlue )
Psoriasis worrier-warrior - using nutrition to become psoriasis free, medication free, symptom free. 1/2 way and working on it.

I tried Quorn early on and I got worse, I also put on weight with it. I'm now on a very clean keto/leafy green diet which would be hyper-healthy if only I were more self-disiplined. I'm not. But the high healthy-fat and low-carb veg is great for skin repair and once you know what you are doing the food tastes amazing. I also lost weight, which I needed to and am now a healthy middle weight. My family see the benefits and now my parents, sister, aunt and 2 cousins are healthier for it too. I have 1 caviat. Because I have poor gut-health which is related to my psoriasis I take blueberry actimel yoghurt or blueberry kefir daily for the l. casi and anti-inflammatory properties. This part might not fit with a lacto-free or FODMAP diet if milk or histamines are a trigger for you.

Posted Wed 25 Sep 2019 06.36 by UmBongo

I eat Quorn and it has no impact to my condition at all. I have suffered from mild (up to 10%) plaque psoriasis for over twenty years. During this time I’ve tried many topical treatments and seen several dermatological consultants, whose attitude varied from slightly interested to unhelpful. This year, in mild desperation, I asked my GP to refer me to a consultant once more. He prescribed Enstilar and after using this for around two months, I am extremely happy with the results. My plaques have changed from itchy, red and scaly horrors, to a shadow (literally) of their former selves. Please ask your GP for Enstilar, which is a spray on foam, and I hope it helps you in the same way!

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