dovobet - thick coarse masses amounts of hair - help how to I put it on

Posted Tue 21 May 2019 18.42 by Kvec1507

Hi all I've been going to my gp for 3 years now about my scalp and today he's said he thinks it's psoriasis rather than just dandruff which I've been thought for ages. Anyway he's given me dovobet gel to put on scalp. I have masses of long hair so I'm wondering how do you put it on? I don't want to waste it as the bottle is so small so today I tried just a few of the worse bits but it's so hard to even get to my scalp. He said I wouldn't need to wash it everyday but after just a few bits my hair is so oily and greasy. I'm guessing I can't put it on wet hair before I blow dry it? If I put it on before bed I'm going to need to wash it in the morning? It takes me about 2-3hours to dry my hair as there's so much of it and extremely thick. What's your routine for using it?

Posted Tue 21 May 2019 19.06 by Jeanettey

I have the very same problem. I use the Dovobet gel and plaster it on my scalp the night before I wash my hair (which is every 2 weeks) and leave it on over night. The rest of the time I use DiproSalic Scalp application which is a liquid and does not make your hair look greasy and easily gets to your scalp with being a liquid. It maybe worth asking your GP to let you give it a try.

Posted Tue 21 May 2019 19.22 by Kvec1507

Oh OK will have to give the gel a few weeks so I can at least say I've tried it I guess then convince him to give me some easier stuff to use. Thanks at least it wasn't just me.

Posted Tue 21 May 2019 21.30 by scouternorm

Posted Sat 15 Jun 2019 14.56 by psoriasis123

TBH for me I used my partner to help me apply, I found it almost impossible without someone else and i've got medium length hair, it's very frustrating.

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