
Posted Sun 2 Jun 2019 22.16 by Goody

I have had psoriasis for about 1year & I’m 79 years old. It is quite manageable with Enstillar spray which I now use twice a week, but for the past couple of days I have had severe constant itching on my outer thighs. I have used Dermol 500 which I use twice a day as an emollient & this usually controls the intermittent itch, but this itch is constant & I wondered if anyone else has experienced it & what helps. Can anyone tell me why this has happened & if they have experienced this themselves. Thanks Doreen

1 Posted Tue 4 Jun 2019 23.27 by wendyloish

Hi Goody, I do not have itching , but one of my thighs has an area that is numb. I asked my son about this when he was studying psychology and neuroscience, and he told me that this area is connected with a major nerve that runs from the spine down to the foot. When I Googled "outer thigh numbness", this is what I got:- Meralgia paresthetica is a condition characterized by tingling, numbness and burning pain in the outer part of your thigh. The condition is caused by compression of the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, which supplies sensation to your upper leg.Mar 8, 2018 Meralgia paresthetica - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic I suffer from psoriatic arthritis and spondilitis (inflammation in my lower back). My vertebrae are compressed and at the point where they are inhibiting nerves. Perhaps, if you have similar symptoms, it might be worth bringing all this up with your doctor. Hope this is helpful. wendyloish

Posted Wed 12 Jun 2019 15.45 by Pip

Goody my itching wakes me up at night and drives me to distraction if truth be known. They even gave me the strongest anti histamine on prescription in the UK but to no avail. It really has to be by far the most awful thing about psoriasis.

Posted Fri 14 Jun 2019 19.02 by BeeBee65

I have just been diagnosed with psoriasis,I’m 73 years old,this is a shock to me as I have never suffered with it before although I know some of my relatives have had it in the past. I am finding the itching a massive problem. My GP has advised Aveeno cream,i it’s oatmeal based which is soothing on the skin.. it’s expensive so try and get it on prescription. It’s my back that is mostly annoying me. I bought a long handle brush which is used when bathing or in the shower has done the trick for me. Tea tree oil is also been recommended but I don’t like the smell of it. The Aveeno cream doesn’t have any smell at all. I do hope the medication I have been given will help my skin and stop the itch.

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