can i ask my doctor to refer me to a dermatologist

Posted Thu 6 Jun 2019 22.18 by ashleygregs

my psoriasis is getting worse on my leg ,and the creams dont seem to be working and now its spreading to my chest as well as down my arms

Posted Sun 9 Jun 2019 10.04 by OhNo_NotAgain?

Ashley, In the UK you can always sk your doctor to refer you. Whether or not they agree to do so might depend on the local policies of the Health Trust or of the GP Practice. In my experience the GP's own attitiude can be a factor. For example, some years ago in my late 50s I was on co-codamol for18 months for severe pain/arthritis in my hip. I had trouble walking, working, trouble sleeping, and was in pretty well constant pain. My GP of 15+ years refused to refer me to a consultant/specialist, even though I had private health insurance. She had an issue with consultants/surgeaons and told me to go to a physiotherapist, which I had to pay for, The physio advised that they could do nothing much for me, the hip was too far gone.I changed GP and within a couple of months I had seen a consultant and I was in hospital having a hip replacement. BUT, there is no reason that you cannot at least request to see a specialist/dermatologist.

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