Enstilar foam

Posted Tue 11 Jun 2019 19.47 by ashleygregs

any body used this ,just been given it by the dr and wonder if anyway had used it

Posted Sat 15 Jun 2019 14.53 by psoriasis123

I've used it and it's pretty good. Applies to my plagues on my scalp and arms for 4 weeks, and it's been like 6 weeks and it's a little red but there are no plagues. It really works if you use it for the whole 4 weeks. Tell me how it goes for you

Posted Mon 17 Jun 2019 05.43 by Margyb

I started using it on 2 weeks ago and I was covered from neck down with guttate psoriasis. I apply it at bedtime and it’s massively improved already. I still have noticeable marks on my back and chest but they’re not ‘scabby’ now. I haven’t used it in my scalp but may start as the plaque psoriasis has started really bad around my hairline.

Posted Tue 18 Jun 2019 07.21 by jersey

I was given it by the doctor yesterday and to me I’m starting to see progress already as Estillar Foam is new to my skin

Posted Wed 19 Jun 2019 09.40 by Steve - 63 from Shropshire

Yes used estillar a few months ago worked well used for about 4weeks but it just stopped working tried to get more off the doctor fit would not give it to me? So then after a couple of weeks p come back so yes use but it’s not a treatment that works for a long time hope this helps

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