Flexural psoriasis - only steroids seem to work!

Posted Sun 23 Jun 2019 12.36 by BarbaraG

Background - I’m female, mid 50’s, obese and have long-standing type 2 diabetes. Last Autumn, the pink patches that I occasionally got under my breasts when I’d been exercising became persistent, and then worse, and then horribly itchy, with loads of skin peeling off and occasional cracks in the skin. I also had multiple patches of dry itchy skin on other parts of my body (mainly back and arms) and they never seemed to go away. Something clicked (thanks, Dr Google) and I went to the GP in February saying I think I have psoriasis. Oh no you don’t, says she, you just have very dry skin and intertrigo. Have some soap-free cleanser instead of shower gel and industrial strength emollient for your dry skin, and Timodine cream for your intertrigo. After 4 months of various mild steroid creams with antifungals and antibiotics in them, plus two courses of oral antibiotics and a course of oral antifungals, she then said I may have flexural psoriasis after all. So she gave me a stronger steroid ointment (trimovate) to see what happened. What happened was that a couple of weeks of that cleared it right up, and a few days after stopping, it came back. Then she said, use the trimovate again until it clears up, then do emollient in the morning and curatoderm (a vitamin D analogue) at bedtime and see what happens. After 5 days of the redness spreading, I decide this morning to use the trimovate again. She did say that if this didn’t work she would refer me to dermatology. Meanwhile, I have itchy skin again (though I know a few days of trimovate will sort that out) and am going on holiday a week on a Tuesday for a fortnight. A referral to dermatology could take weeks, I’m sure. What do I do in the meantime (if the curatoderm doesn’t help). Stuff online suggests using steroids intermittently, e.g. every other day, or only weekends, for maintenance. NICE guidance says not to use them for more than 2 weeks per month.... I was off and on hydrocortisone creams for 2 months, then off and on trimovate (clobetasone) for 6 weeks. Any experiences to share?

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