Chelsea Night Mix

Posted Mon 1 Jul 2019 08.55 by Joanna52

Hello, I'd like to know if any of you use Chelsea Night Mix for scalp psoriasis. I have psoriasis for over 30 years. Nothing ever really worked until 10 years ago I was prescribed Chelsea Night Mix. After 2 weeks of treatment I could see my scalp started clearing and after 1 month the results were amazing. I was really surprised as I lost my faith that my scalp will be psoriasis free. The results lasted over a year, up to 1.5 years after which psoriasis started slowly coming back. Having a great experience with the mix I asked the Dr for the same treatment but they said they don't do it any more. I was given Sebco and Epaderm instead but psoriasis was coming back and my hair started falling again due to lots of scratching. During my next visits I kept asking for Chelsea Night Mix and during one appointmnet the Dr said the reason she can't prescribe is that it is very expensive. I wonder how much more expensive it is from prescribing ointmnets, tars, shampoos that don't make any difference every three months. Is anyone using Chelsea Night Mix, and if yes how do you get it? I'm happy to pay for it if it needs to be prescribed privately. Thanks

Posted Mon 1 Jul 2019 10.15 by OhNo_NotAgain?

From the Gloucester NHS : " Chelsea Night mix: (Hospital Formula) possible price on FP10 prescription: up to £250 for 100g " It also says: " Chelsea Night mix and Coal Tar 5% in Eumovate® ointments are only available as ‘special’ preparations (i.e. not proprietary products). These preparations are not cost-effective in primary care and there may be a significant delay in obtaining such preparations. " It has the same comments for the Chelsea Day Mix. It may not be simply a question of cost/price. I suspect that many preparations that were at one time mixed by pharmacists are now no longer available or prescribed. I recall that my first coal-tar based treatment for Psoriasis in 1980 was in a plain tub, and had been prepared by a local pharmacist possibly in the local hospital. Perhaps if you can get a referral to a dermatologist, they can tell you if this can even be prepared these days.

Posted Mon 1 Jul 2019 21.00 by Joanna52

Thank you for the response! I go to dermarologist every 9 months for the check up and ask about the mix but receive different responses. One time I was told it's hard to obtain, the other time that they don't do it anymore and the other time that it's too expensive so I'm quite confused. As you said it could be both since nowadays pharmacies mostly use already made products with longer shelf life as opposed to preparing the stuff themselves. I'm curious if anyone on this forum has experience with it and perhaps use it now. There is not much information online. Again, many thanks for response.

Posted Sun 7 Jul 2019 07.23 by Alex N

My dermatologist, when I was seeing her privately, prescribed me Chelsea Night Mix for psoriasis on my feet earlier this year. It was mixed up in the hospital pharmacy (has to be made to order) and cost me £38 for a 100g pot on a private prescription. When I asked my GP if he could prescribe it for me, he said it would be very difficult (but not necessarily impossible). I don’t know how they can charge the NHS £250, when the private cost was £38. It did help my feet, but wasn’t enough and I am now on systemic medication (Acitretin) and have transferred to the NHS. I assume if I needed it again in the future I could have it prescribed by the dermatologist and made up in the hospital pharmacy again on the NHS.

Posted Tue 16 Feb 2021 09.37 by James456 (edited Tue 16 Feb 2021 09.37 by James456)

I went to glos hospital , was prescribed Chelsea night mix was made up at the hospital only been using it since Friday , but results showing already Edit Went on 12th feb 2021 , so it’s still being made

Posted Fri 10 Mar 2023 06.22 by Rozzi555

Hi all my mother has been prescribed The Chelsea Day and night cream and I am trying to sort this prescription out for her. I was quoted 750 pounds from one pharmacy to 100 from Gloucester hospital. I was wondering how much you need each day and how long the cream would last at such a crazy price. Thank You .

Posted Fri 29 Dec 2023 23.19 by davidgwalker43

I was NHS-prescribed Chelsea Night Cream (CNC) by a Chelsea Hospital dermatologist over 20 years ago (I had been suffering from scalp psoriasis for most of my adult life). My scalp cleared up almost immediately and the combination of CNC and daily use of Alphosyl shampoo (also prescribed by Chelsea) kept my scalp almost free for all these years except for the occasional flare-up which was quickly treated by the CNC, even if it was slightly out of date. Unfortunately late last year, Alsphosol became unobtainable, and since then my scalp has been getting worse. Despite trying many other shampoos my scalp has not improved. When my scalp started badly scaling I tried to get a NHS CNC prescription - not available. My GP has prescribed several other remedies, but nothing seems to work, it is simply getting worse. From my experience, I believe this would not be the case, with a few weeks of CNC Night Cream application together with a decent shampoo. Please make CNC available.

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