My psoriasis has cleared (touch wood) after 60 years of suffering

Posted Tue 2 Jul 2019 18.44 by davieb (edited Tue 2 Jul 2019 18.57 by davieb)

Hi I am a 65 year old man and have had plaque psoriasis since I was a small boy. About 5 weeks ago, after blood tests and an abdominal scan, I was diagnosed with gallstones, fatty liver and pre-diabetes. To cut a long story short, all these issues would be improved if I follow the same recommendations: Cut out added sugar Cut out saturated fat Exercise Lose weight No alcohol Give up smoking After following these instructions, my psoriasis has now totally cleared up (steady but relentless improvement after 1 week - now in week 6). I've given up alcohol and smoking many times before with no change to my psoriasis. I just wonder whether its the lack of sugar that's done the trick. Would be good to hear from anyone else who has cut out sugar totally and what effect it had on their psoriasis, positive or negative. We all know that our psoriasis is unique to us. Will post again if my psoriasis comes back.

Posted Wed 3 Jul 2019 03.55 by claire

I cut out sugar and that showed a big improvement. I use Sorion cream from Amazon, $24. It's herbal and really helps. Still smoke and have my nightly bedtime drinks. Don't want to give that up unless I have too.

Posted Wed 3 Jul 2019 12.33 by davieb

Thanks for the reply, Claire. Has your big improvement continued? Are you back on the sugar? I still smoke, only about 15 a day was 40 - can't give them up. Only one small glass of red wine in 6 weeks - it tasted extremely strong but probably wasn't. Lots of sugar in alcohol, even the lite premium lagers - vodka supposedly isn't too bad, but I've never been a shorts man. Instead I drink 4 pints of water a day, spread evenly on top of a few green teas and my early treat of tea, semi-skimmed milk and half a spoonful of sugar with a couple of ciggies. My only other observation after a fair bit of research about my pre-diabetes, is that psoriasis and diabetes are both associated with T cel over reaction. That doesn't mean that everyone with diabetes will have or get psoriasis and vice versa. I just find it helpful that I can go to the UK Diabetes web site to see what foods are harmful for pre-diabetes and hopefully psoriasis. I'm no nutrition or medical expert and maybe I'm talking absolute rubbish. Beware!!! Anyone trying to cut down on their sugar intake, should be very wary of 0% or low fat food without reading the grams bit on the label, they absolutely load the product with sugar. A can of low fat rice pudding, for instance, had 40g of sugar and that's before you add a couple spoonfuls of jam. Low fat yogurts are similarly loaded but not as much. UK sugar rda is 30g, USA website says rda is 37.5g. Don't know why the difference.

Posted Mon 8 Jul 2019 03.17 by michaelS

Davieb, have you cut out natural sugar too, meaning fruits?

Posted Mon 8 Jul 2019 04.00 by claire

Still no sugar. But still smoke and drink my nightly allowance. PP still getting better, but think it's the Sorion cream that is doing it. I have PP on the sole of my left foot and a small spot on my left hand. But that's bad enough. At one time it was very difficult to walk, but now I don't limp and can walk normal. I still have dry scales but no pustules. Also watch what I eat, more veggies, less red meat. Will see what happens in future.

Posted Tue 9 Jul 2019 01.01 by wendyloish

Hi michaelS, About sugar, it is virtually impossible to cut all sugar from your diet, as your body converts carbohydrates into sugars, so that to eliminate sugar you would have to confine your diet to fats and proteins. There are diets that support that idea, but from what I understood davieb was saying, it is added refined sugar to which he is referring. That being said, some fruits may be a problem, and the reason appears to be that they have been bred to be too high in fructose, relative to sucrose. Fructose can be an immune system irritant. If you are interested in this, you might like to look at FODMAP, which identifies the fruits that should be avoided. They are things like apples, pears, stone fruit, mangoes. Monash University, the developers of the FODMAP diet, put out a list of what fruits are not overloaded with fructose, things like berries, grapes and citrus. Lactose would appear to be a problem too. I would recommend you have a look if you are interested. wendyloish

Posted Thu 11 Jul 2019 09.58 by davieb (edited Thu 11 Jul 2019 11.32 by davieb)

Pleased that you're still improving, Claire. II'm still clear - yippee. MichaelS - agree with wendyloish. No refined sugar but quite a bit of fruit: berries, cherries and grapes only for me, which I really like. Blueberries, blackberries and a few cherries with porridge for breakfast, For Tea/Evening Meal: deli-carved turkey breast or no fat topside beef, or salmon fillet or sardines with my own made up salad: half an avocado, a couple spoonfuls of morocan style cous cous, leeks and garden pea mix, grain and seed mix, and half a pepper along with 2 slices of Hovis Granary bread with Bertolli spread (unsaturated fat). For afters: Greek Yoghurt and a couple of handfuls of black/red grapes. Now lost 8 kilos in weight since I started but really enjoying my food, no hardship other than doing the shopping. Sounds expensive but isn't: between £20-£25 per week with no waste or rubbish whatsoever. Bear in mind, I went on this to treat my prediabetes, gallstones and fatty liver, never gave a thought to what effect it would have on my psoriasis. But thought it would be good to share with you lot - if it helps anyone, then fantastic. After my initial post, I went onto the internet to see if there were other instances of sugar free and psoriasis - and there's loads, virtually all positive. Over 60 years, I've seen numerous GP's and Dermatologists, all sorts of topical treatments, UV light and no-one has ever mentioned sugar - never, never, never - unbelievable. When I've asked about diet years ago, they've said no connection whatsoever. Sorry about the food detail and being verbose (a problem of mine). As I've mentioned before, anything deemed OK on the official UK Diabetes website is fine by me. One extra thing about food - once a fortnight, I treat myself to an Indian curry; chicken tikka starter, chicken dhansak (lentils and can be hot) with half portion veg rice (they don't do brown rice) and half a paratha, along with a small glass of red wine and a pint of water

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