cbd/hemp oils

Posted Sun 7 Jul 2019 15.47 by kevink

hi i am new to this forum. i was wondering if any one had tried using cbd/hemp oils. i have just started taking 15% hemp oil and although too soon to say, it definately has calmed me down. always struggled with stress related flair ups.

Posted Sun 7 Jul 2019 18.12 by BeeBee65

Hi kevink. I was reading about this hemp oil yesterday. What I did notice was the side effects. The piece I read did say the oil hemp or cannabis isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Also be careful where you buy your oil. There are sellers who are not being truthful about exactly what the ingredients are. I was looking at it for medical reasons,besides having psoriasis I had polio aged 11th moths old in 1947. Since the age of 7 I have suffered with restless legs,it’s very unpleasant, I have sleepless nights for week. The consultant recommend I try Ropinerole,it has changed my life,as long as I remember to take the tablets my restless legs are few and far between. The psoriasis is driving me mad but it’s all new to me, I am having medication from m GP and she is monitoring me on a regular basis,I am hopeful it will calm down soonest. Regards Bee Bee.

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