Psoriasis on eyelids

Posted Wed 24 Jul 2019 12.45 by carym2702

Hi, I have woken up to some very small psoriatic lesions on my lower eyelids, and I wondered if anybody else had experienced this? I've had psoriasis for 34 years and have never had it on my eyelids before! If someone has experienced this, how did you go about dealing with it? Thank you. Cary

Posted Wed 24 Jul 2019 13.48 by scouternorm

you for sure wouldn't want to use ointments or steroid creams on it. I would try CBD oil.

Posted Thu 25 Jul 2019 03.39 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Sun 28 Jul 2019 09.54 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

I used to have a small patch of psoriasis on one upper eyelid. I DID use a steroid ointment on it. BUT I used the faintest smear on my finger tip - the amount that would be left on a finger after I had already applied the ointment elsewhere. I applied it once or twice and waited . . . . It was only on the upper eyelid and I was very careful not to get near the eyeball. Even though it worked for me, you might be better off discussing your case with your doctor.

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