Body Cramps

Posted Fri 30 Aug 2019 16.23 by alexanderlonda

I'm wondering if anyone else experiences severe body cramps. For a couple of years now I have struggled terribly with body cramps. No warning they just attack, no specific time of day or night and no specific day in general. They attack my feet, upper thighs and when they attack my thighs it is always both of them and on the back of my thighs. So painful I can't even take a step. They attack my rib cage usually on one side. I have not been diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis but have an appt. with Doc. in Sept. A long wait to see a specialist (6months). My regular doctor has been stumped, and has referred me. Also I suffer with sausage toes, ankle swelling and to painful to walk, psoriasis break outs on my body. But my real question is about the body cramps. Last night I had thigh cramps that lasted 7 minutes, then I couldn't relax at all being afraid it would happen again.

Posted Wed 30 Oct 2019 20.39 by Laura

Hola alexanderlonda. Tal vez los calambres no estén relacionados con la psoriasis. Yo tengo psoriasis en las uñas de las manos y sí, he tenido calambres. Pero mi madre también los tiene y sin embargo no padece de psoriasis. En el último mes he cambiado mi alimentación: dejé los lácteos, los azúcares y las harinas. Bebo 2 litros de agua al día y consumo mayor cantidad de verduras y frutas. Bebo jugos verdes y solo ingiero carnes blancas. No he vuelto a tener calambres y además ya no me levanto con dolor de espalda. Parece que funciona para mí. Espero funcione para tí también. Saludos desde Argentina.

Posted Wed 30 Oct 2019 22.07 by wendyloish

Hi alexanderlonda, I too have a problem with cramps, specifically in my calves, and it happens even when I am sleeping. I do not think that diet is the answer as I pretty much have the diet thing under control. (I am on the FODMAP diet). What I have found helps to solve the problem is stretching exercises, specifically for my calves. Whenever I get slack about the stretching the cramps return. I can only suggest you try this, and do it every day. I have read about lack of magnesium being at fault here, but I took that for a while and it made no difference. Hope this is helpful. wendyloish

Posted Thu 31 Oct 2019 13.00 by alexanderlonda

Wendy, Thanks for the response. I take extra magnesium, potassium, drink a ton of water, I do all the things that I have read to do or have been told to do. Now I’m taking a B complex and a D right before going to bed. Your suggestion not he stretching is also one my doctor told me to do just recently. I will start doing that right away and see if I can get some relief. The cramps under my rib cage attacked me at work yesterday and I was unable to anything until I could get that under control. Once again thanks for the response. Londa

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