Imraldi injections, not the last stop

Posted Sun 15 Sep 2019 15.59 by thearchitect2019

Hi, My name is Darren and I am a long-term sufferer of severe plaque Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis (20 yrs). Like most I have tried all of the available treatments from ointments to light therapy, and the dreaded methotrexate (which caused psychological issues), although it did seem to control my Psoriasis for a while. A few years ago I was placed on the Humira injections which absolutely changed my life for the better, for the first time in my adult life I was Psoriasis free. After being on these injections for nearly 2 years I was offered an alternative drug in the form of Imraldi, same active ingredients as Humira and much cheaper for the NHS, being a big fan of the NHS I of course accepted this substitute drug. Unfortunately this proved to be a huge mistake from the very first injection, it was painful (like a bee sting!) with a delivery method that I never got to grips with. If this was the only difference then I would have stuck with them but as my Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis are very severe and persistent it was not long until they had come back and were making me miserable and depressed once again. Even though the two injections contained the same active ingredient they are not the same as Imraldi is classed as a Bio-Similar, which means that they did not spend the money on the research (like Humira). I am not saying that Imraldi is a useless drug as I am sure it works for many other people, just not for me! When I spoke with my Dermatologist she accepted that Imraldi is not benefiting me and that the only option was to revert back to Humira providing the additional costs could be met by the NHS. I am now happy to report that I am back on Humira and only a week after my injection can honestly say that my Psoriasis and has improved nearly 90%, and getting better each day. So I guess my point here is that if you have recently been transferred onto an alternative to Humira and its not working for you then all hope is not lost, Humira is still available so please don't suffer any longer, speak to your dermatologist.

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