Nail Psoriasis - Methotrexate

Posted Wed 18 Sep 2019 14.18 by Msargent

Hi everyone, I've recently started methotrexate treatment for nail Psoriasis that I have had for 10 years, I spent a long time as a teenager fighting with GPs who kept telling me it was a fungal nail infection even though their treatments weren't working. Anyway: Is anyone else on methotrexate for their nails? Do you find its helping? Any tips on how to avoid getting ill etc... actually any advice would be great. Any advice on day to day care, some days I'm in such pain, I don't know what to do?

Posted Wed 18 Sep 2019 17.41 by scouternorm

Methotrexate can be hard on you. I haven't had psoriasis on anything other than my hands & feet, but CBD oil has worked wonders with my plaque psoriasis. Previously I had used Dovebet & was prescribed a drug called Soriatane, but neither worked for me. Possibly CBD oil would work for you, if you can get some. I have found relief with a topical application of CBD oil. I don't ingest it. It's a little expensive - $20 for a 30 mil bottle in Canada, it lasts about 1 month, and it's not covered by drug plans. In a little over 1 year, I would say that it has cleared up my hands & feet by over 90%. As an aside, it also seems to promote faster healing of sores/wounds. As CBD oil is used more and more, I am sure that it will relieve symptoms of a lot of afflictions. In Canada, we used to need a medical prescription to buy it from a producer, but now we can now buy it online from a government store, without a prescription. I have uploaded before & after photos here: Good luck!

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