Cyclosporine? Has this worked for anyone?

Posted Thu 19 Sep 2019 04.58 by susanc

Hi guys, Have been prescribed cyclosporine and have taken it everyday for the last two weeks. No change yet but I assume it takes a while, has anyone had any experience with it? Am really coming to the end of my tether here - I'm a 20 year old girl and I feel like the only thing I ever think of is my p and it is (not to be dramatic) ruining my life. Any help would be appreciated! Cheers

Posted Thu 19 Sep 2019 11.09 by scc

Hi SusanC I am sorry to hear you are at the end of your tether. I fully appreciate how this disease can take over your life so please try to stay positive and ask for help if ever needed. When my skin got to it's worst, and I was in a similar position to you are now, I took cyclosporine and it worked really well for me and I was totally clear and free from pain and discomfort for the first time in years. I hope it works as well for you as it did for me. The only issue I had with cyclosporine is it gave me high blood pressure so I would highly recommend you follow the Dr's advice and attend medical appointments and take all the required blood tests etc as it is a powerful drug that can cause people problems if they are not careful/ don't follow the Dr's advice. Unfortunately when I came off it my skin started getting worse again so I'm now on the Humira bio-similar Amgevita which has been great so far with no side-effects. I hope the cyclosporine starts to work for you soon. All the best.

Posted Thu 19 Sep 2019 22.54 by susanc

Hi scc, Thanks for your reply! This forum is pretty great for support so I really am grateful for it. Will definitely keep up with doc appointments as am determined for my skin to clear, I want to wear tshirts and shorts again haha. I hope your Humira medication continues to work - no one deserves all this p rubbish. All the best!! Susan

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