Please ask your MP to join the list for EDM#10- mine has agreed

Posted Mon 28 Oct 2019 16.09 by Kiwi1957

Couldn't download the template form to contact my MP but I did obtain contact details via the link provided. I sent a short email stating: - psoriasis is an auto-immune condition that affects around 2-3% of the population and there is often a familial link - its effect on me personally - asking for support in joining the other MPs who have already signed EDM#10 (to be led by David Davies) It would be great if you'd also ask your friends/colleagues to contact their MP.

Posted Mon 28 Oct 2019 17.33 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Tue 29 Oct 2019 05.48 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

Posted Mon 28 Oct 2019 20.26 by Kiwi1957

As indicated, I could not download the template but sent a short email to my MP who has indicated support for EDM#10.

Posted Tue 29 Oct 2019 05.49 by OhNo_NotAgain? (edited Tue 29 Oct 2019 15.54 by OhNo_NotAgain?)

kiwi957: I just thought it might be useful for others to be shown where they could find the template, I have downloaded it without problem. From the first link I posted people can also confirm if their MP has registered their support.

Posted Thu 31 Oct 2019 09.21 by Kiwi1957

We have 24 signatories as of 29 October. There are 650MPs. Parliament is dissolved 25 working days before a general election- at this point MPs stop representing their constituents (BBC). I would urge you to please use the template above (kindly provided by OhNo_NotAgain?) or send an email to your MP. This EDM is a fantastic opportunity for us to have our issues raised with those who make policy decisions.

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