At Home Phototherapy Units

Posted Tue 5 Nov 2019 14.08 by wrosie111

Hey Guys, I have had phototherapy numerous times before and the sessions have worked a charm every-time, relieving massive discomfort and ITCH! The only downside to this being that it is a nightmare getting an appointment to even see a dermatologist never mind being referred to the UVB units at a hospital. In my eyes this is such a shame - as I know for a fact that there are so many people out there struggling with this condition, it not only effects the skin (the largest organ in the body) but it has a huge impact on mental health as a whole - and the fact that we have to push for referrals and fend off prescriptions for strong steroids is a massive shame for everyone in this situation. Me and my family came to the conclusion that it would be for the best to invest in a home unit for UVB phototherapy. My Dad did quite a lot of research, including on these forums, and decided we should buy a standard sunbed and replace the bulbs with UVB registered ones. This would save use a lot of money and time, as opposed to buying a new unit or a small single bulb unit. My questions are; has anyone done this before, and if so what is your advice? Am I okay to use Hydrocortisone 1% at the same time as the treatment? How do you restrict it to your skin type like they do at the hospital? Thank you :)

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