4 yr old about to go on tablets. Side effects?

Posted Mon 25 Nov 2019 22.34 by JC83

Hi all, my 4 year old daughter has suffered from very aggressive psoriasis for just over a year. We have been prescribed all sorts of creams from hydromol/betnovate to enstillar/dovobet/elocon etc. Nothing has ever cleared it up and it has gradually spread now covering around 80/90% of her body in raised red lesions and it's so tough watching her suffer. She has just finished 3 months of uvb phototherapy treatment as she has had the maximum 40 treatments and it isn't much different now to when we started to be honest. We have been advised by the dermatologist to consider alcetretin or cyclosporin. I've read a few different things about the side effects which are a concern. Mainly as I worry she is too young to understand or communicate any side effects she may have. I'm wondering if anyone has had any experience of children being prescribed these medications and if there were any side effects and how they dealt with them? I'm also going to try the blueberry thing that seems to have worked so well for others! Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks. Joe.

Posted Fri 17 Jan 2020 22.42 by Bubblefish

Hi Joe I was 5 when I first had a flare up, I'm now in my 40s. As an adult with it I can honestly say it's a horrible itchy and often painful condition so I can only imagine how your child feels with such extensive psoriasis. I almost lost my hair as a child it was so bad. I remember thick smelly treatments mostly when I was younger and fortunately things have moved on, over the years I've had creams, steroids, PUVA, ciclosporin. I've tried diets and had some better success with acupuncture. It's unfortunate that she's had no success so far with any treatment given. My experience with ciclosporin was split, great results for my skin, horrible side effects. The main one for me presented as a UTI but was actually my kidneys losing function. I'm ok now though. My daughter is 4 and has started to have psoriasis, I cried when I first saw it as all I could think of was the pain, bullying etc I experienced over the years, hoping she won't go through that. I'm hoping she won't have it as bad and I'm laying on the moisturising cream. How is your daughter getting on now? I do hope she's improving. I'm also trying the blueberries, I've spent a lifetime trying to find something that works all the time continually so fingers crossed. Regards Helen

Posted Fri 17 Jan 2020 22.47 by Bubblefish

Before I forget, I remember being repeatedly told that the chances are that starting with it younger in life means you're more likely to grow out of it as a teenager etc. Many dermatologists said it, sadly it didn't apply to me but I can only hope that it has for others.

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